Sunday, October 14, 2007

US government lied about Border Patrol agents

Sher Zieve
February 7, 2007

In order to gain a conviction against US Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, the US Department of Homeland Security has admitted it lied to Congress. DHS Inspector General Richard L. Skinner, testifying before the Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee, admitted Tuesday that the charges he and his agency brought against the USBP agents were false and that DHS' agents had fabricated the evidence used to convict Compean and Ramos. The two USBP agents were convicted of firing upon and hitting admitted drug smuggler Osvaldo Aldrete, while he was in the process of smuggling 743 pounds of marijuana across the border. Aldrete was given immunity from prosecution for testifying against the USBP agents. Skinner is reported to have said that his DHS agents had "misinformed" (AKA "lied to") Congress. Note: DHS' actions represent a complete obstruction of justice, the Border Patrol agents' convictions should be immediately overturned and the DHS agents who supplied the bogus testimony should be prosecuted with the full force of the law.

Of interest is that the same prosecutor who gained the convictions of Compean and Ramos, US Attorney Johnny Sutton with a prosecution based upon bogus testimony, tried and gained a conviction for another US law enforcement officer who fired on illegal aliens. This time, it is Del Rio, TX Deputy Sheriff Gilmer Hernandez. In 2005, Deputy Hernandez fired on a van (smuggling illegal aliens across the US-Mexico border) that was trying to hit him. One of the illegals (ALL of these illegals have been given "amnesty") even testified that the van's driver attempted to run down Deputy Hernandez. Undeterred by the fact that Hernandez was attempting to save his own life, Sutton proceeded with the trial. Illegals are now more important to the US government than its own citizens. Note: US citizens, including law enforcement officers, are no longer allowed to protect themselves against illegals.

To say that the US-Mexico border situation has gotten out of hand is a severe understatement. It is a war zone and the US government is siding with the enemy. Property has been taken from US citizens living along the border area who attempted to protect themselves from the illegal hordes. Drug smugglers and non-drug smuggling illegals, alike, are given amnesty for testifying against US citizens. The Mexican government is now firmly in control of the US Border Patrol. And the US government is supporting it.

When a government turns against its own citizens, sides with the enemy of said country's sovereignty and manufactures false 'evidence' against its citizens can that government be charged with treasonous acts? And now, Agent Ramos has been severely beaten, while incarcerated, by a group of illegal aliens! It is past time to release these Border Patrol Agents and to prosecute the real criminals — tragically, members of our own government.

Sher Zieve is an author, political commentator, and staff writer for The New Media Alliance ( Zieve's op-ed columns are widely carried by multiple internet journals and sites, and she also writes hard news. Her columns have also appeared in The Oregon Herald, Dallas Times, Boston Star, Massachusetts Sun, Sacramento Sun, in international news publications, and on multiple university websites. Ms. Zieve is currently working on her first political book: "The Liberal's Guide To Conservatives."

© Copyright 2007 by Sher Zieve

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