Saturday, October 13, 2007

major war games

Global Research, October 6, 2007

US Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) has announced the conduct of major war
games under Vigilant Shield 2008 (VS-08).

Vigilant Shield 2008 (15 to 20 October, 2007) is designed to deal with a
"terrorist" or "natural disaster" scenario in the United States. The
operation will be coordinated in a joint endeavor by the Pentagon and
the Department of Homeland Security.

Yet, VS-08, which includes a massive deployment of the US Air Force
resembles a war-time air scenario rather than an anti-terrorist drill.
The VS-08 war games extend over the entire North American shelf.
Canadian territory is also involved through Canada's participation in
NORAD. (See Nazemroaya, October 2007)

These war games are being conducted at an important historical
crossroads, amidst mounting US pressures and threats to actually declare
a "real war" on Iran.

VS-08 is predicated on the doctrine of preemptive warfare, with a vie to
protecting the Homeland. The war games are coordinated with
anti-terrorist drills directed against presumed Islamic terrorists.

Moreover, the announcement by NORTHCOM of the VS-08 war
games-anti-terror drills coincided with a declaration by the Bush
administration in early September that military action against Iran is
being contemplated at the highest echelons of the US government and

"President George W Bush and his inner circle are taking steps to place
America on the path to war with Iran, .. Pentagon planners have
developed a list of up to 2,000 bombing targets in Iran, ... Pentagon
and CIA officers say they believe that the White House has begun a
carefully calibrated programme of escalation that could lead to a
military showdown with Iran. (Quoted in The Sunday Telegraph, 16
September 2007).

VS-08 is a large scale military exercise to be conducted over North
America and the Northern Pacific Ocean, extending westwards towards the
Far East borders of Russia and China:

"USNORTHCOMs primary exercise venues for VS-08 include locations in
Oregon, Arizona and a cooperative venue with USPACOM in the Territory of
Guam. NORADs aerospace detection and defense events will take place
across all the exercise venues, to exercise the ability to mobilize
resources for aerospace defense, aerospace control, maritime warning,
and coordination of air operations in a disaster area." (PNC, October 2007)

Both the war games under VS-08 as well as the domestic antiterrorist
drills involve the participation of Canada, Britain and Australia:

"VS-08 and National Level Exercise 1-08 will provide local, state,
tribal, interagency, Department of Defense, and non-governmental
organizations and agencies involved in homeland security and homeland
defense the opportunity to participate in a full range of exercise
scenarios that will better prepare participants to prevent and respond
to national crises. The participating organizations will conduct a
multi-layered, civilian-led response to a national crisis."( See
NORTHCOM Fact Sheet).

Pacific Shield 2007

Vigilant Shield 2008 will be preceded by another set of exercises
organized by Japan. The Tokyo government will host a multinational
Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) Maritime Interdiction Exercise
Pacific Shield 07(PS-07) in the eastern sea area off Izu Oshima, and
at the Ports of Yokosuka and Yokohama (13-15 October, (See the Japanese
government communique). The stated objective of the PS 07 exercises is
to "prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction (WMD)". Australia,
France, New Zealand, Singapore, the UK, and the US will be participating
in 'Pacific Shield 07'.

"Linked Exercises"

The administration is talking about "linked exercises", where war
scenarios are conducted simultaneously and in close coordination with
civilian anti-terrorist drills. This central concept --which underlies
the "Global War on Terrorism"-- has a direct bearing on the conduct of
the US led war in the Middle East. At the same time, the process of
"domestic security" has become entrenched and integrated into military

The 'linked exercises" provide an environment which favors the
militarization of civilian institutions. They also impart the military
with a further opportunity to interfere in domestic civilian law
enforcement and judicial functions.

The conduct of the anti-terrorist exercise is intended to justify the
need to retaliate against an illusive outside enemy (Al Qaeda), even if
the US is not attacked.

But there are indications that the administration has envisaged from the
standpoint of military planning, for several years now, a scenario of a
second major terrorist attack on America . According to Pentagon
officials referring to a classified military document:

"Another [second 911] attack could create both a justification and an
opportunity that is lacking today to retaliate against some known
targets [Iran, Syria], according to current and former defense officials
familiar with the plan." (WP 23 April 2006).

The above Pentagon statement suggests that a "Second 911" attack
characterised by a "mass casualty producing event" is part of military
doctrine and planning. A real "false flag" attack or even the threat of
a terrorist attack could be used as a justification to wage war on Iran.

In the month following the 2005 7/7 London bombings, Vice President Dick
Cheney is reported to have instructed USSTRATCOM to draw up a
contingency plan "to be employed in response to another 9/11-type
terrorist attack on the United States". Implied in the contingency plan
is the certainty that Iran would be behind a Second 9/11.

Targeting Russia and China

VS-8 is based on a scenario of confrontation with Russia and China. The
Bush administration has accused Tehran of supporting Islamic terrorism,
while also pointing to the fact that Iran in fact has the support of
both China and Russia.

While the contents of VS-08 have not been released, last year's Vigilant
Shield exercise (Vigilant Shield 07), which simulated the outbreak of a
major war, contemplated four hypothetical enemies: Ruebek (Russia),
Churya (China), Irmingham (Iran) and Nemazee (North Korea).

In last year's briefing documents of the Vigilant Shield 07 war games,
the following scenario was contemplated by participants:

"Nemazee continues to develop nuclear and missile capabilities

Southwest Asian country of Irmingham intent on uranium enrichment program

Western countries and United States seeking U.N. assistance to halt
Irminghams enrichment program

Eurasian country of Ruebek attempts to mediate Irmingham crisis by
offering nuclear oversight while secretly supporting enrichment program

Asian country of Churya will become concerned at increasing level of
Ruebek-U.S. hostility"

(quoted by William Arkin, Washngton Post, October 2006)

The outcome of VS-07 was a limited attack by Ruebek and Nemazee on the
United States.

"Minus 1 Day:
Ruebek Expels US Mission

Phase 2 / Execution: 10 14 Dec 06

Pre-Attack I & W
Imminent Terrorist Attack on Pentagon Suggests Pentagon COOP
[continuity of operations plan]
Nemazee Conducts 2 x ICBM Combat Launches Against United States
Ruebek Conducts Limited Strategic Attack on United States"

quoted by William Arkin, Washngton Post, October 2006)

TOPOFF 4: Selective Propaganda directed at "Top Officials"

This year's VS-08 exercise combines the VS-08 hypothetical war scenario
over the North American shelf with the conduct of major domestic
anti-terrorist drills under TOPOFF 4.

The latter is a large scale anti-terror exercise for "top officials". It
includes the participation of senior decision makers from federal, State
and municipal governments, law enforcement, nongovernmental bodies as
well as representatives from the business community.

According to Denis Shrader, Deputy DHS Administrator in testimony to the
US Congress (October 3):

"The exercise will be executed with the participation of all appropriate
Cabinet-level secretaries or their deputies, and will include the
activation of all necessary operations centers to accurately simulate a
truly national response to these major terrorist incidents. This will
include the utilization of all five elements of the National Operations
Center and the FEMA Region IX and X Regional Response Coordination
Centers. In addition, the FEMA Emergency Response Teams and Federal
Incident Response Support Teams as well as DHS Situational Awareness
Teams will activate in each of the venues and will simulate the
establishment of a Joint Field Office in accordance with the latest
National Response Framework guidance."

This year's TOPOFF 4 exercises involves setting off fake radiological
dispersal devices (RDD) or "dirty bombs" in Oregon, Arizona and the US
Pacific island territory of Guam. According to Northern Command:

"The T4 FSE, based on National Planning Scenario 11 (NPS-11), begins
as terrorists, who have been planning attacks in Oregon, Arizona, and
the U.S. Territory of Guam successfully bring radioactive material into
the United States. The first of three coordinated attacks occurs in
Guam, with the simulated detonation of a Radiological Dispersal Device
(RDD), or dirty bomb, causing casualties and widespread contamination
in a populous area. Similar attacks occur in the hours that follow in
Portland and Phoenix. A RDD is not the same as a nuclear attack. It is a
conventional explosive that, upon detonation, releases radioactive
material into the surrounding area. Although it does not cause the type
of catastrophic damage associated with a nuclear detonation, there are
severe rescue, health, and long-term decontamination concerns associated
with a RDD."

TOPOFF 4 will involve the participation of some 15,000 federal, state,
territorial and local officials in what is described as "a full-scale
response to a multi-faceted terrorist threat". Canada, Australia and the
UK will participate in TOPOFF. Observers from some 30 countries have
also been invited.

"It will 'accurately simulate a truly national response to these major
terrorist incidents' by emergency response teams, medical units, police
forces and top government officials who will have to make difficult
decisions to save lives." (quoted by AFP, 4 October 2007)

TOPOFF is a propaganda operation intended for at top decision makers.
The objective is to build a consensus among key decision makers that
America is threatened by Islamic terrorists, using an improvised nuclear

These terrorists are, according to recent statements, supported by
Tehran. The presumption is that the Islamic terrorists, rather than the
US, UK or Israel, have the required military capabilities and constitute
a real nuclear threat.

These various anti-terrorist scenarios are intended to build a consensus
among key top officials in the US and its coalition partners that the
terrorist threat is not only real but the terrorists would be attacking
America in a "Second 911" as part of a broader process of military
confrontation, in which a number of enemy countries including Ruebek,
Churya and Irmingham would be involved.

We are not, however, dealing with a classical media disinformation
campaign. While the TOPOFF exercise has been casually mentioned in press
reports, it is not the object of extensive media coverage. In fact very
few people are aware of these exercises.

With regard to TOPOFF, the consensus building process is "internal", it
does not pertain to the public at large. The disinformation campaing is
intended for key decision-makers within these various governmental and
nongovernmental bodies. It includes more than 10,000 participants in
important decision-making positions (federal and State officials, law
enforcement, fire departments, hospitals, etc), who may be called to act
in the case of an emergency situation. These individuals in turn have a
mandate to impose the "Global War on Terrorism" consensus within their
respective organizations, --i.e. with their co-workers and colleagues,
as well as with the people working under their direct supervision.

In other words, this consensus building process reaches out to tens of
thousands of people in positions of authority. The antiterrorist agenda
and exercises thus become a "talking point" within numerous governmental
and nongovernmental organizations.

In turn, the holding of these antiterrorist exercises supports the
National Security doctrine of "preemptive war", --i.e. that America has
to legitimate right to self defense by intervening in foreign lands
including Iran and that America must defend itself against terrorists.

It also sustains the myth of WMD in the hands of terrorists, being used
against America, when in fact the US is the largest producer of WMD,
with a defense budget of more than 450 billion dollars a year.

The objective is to sustain the war and national security agenda --and
of course the possibility of martial law-- within the governmental,
nongovernmental and corporate business sectors. Ultimately, the
objective is develop across the land, an unequivocal acceptance by key
officials (and of their coworkers and subordinates), from the federal to
the local level, for an emergency situation, where civil liberties and
the rights of citizens would be suspended.

Michel Chossudovsky is the author of the international best Americas
"War on Terrorism" Global Research, 2005. He is Professor of Economics
at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Center for Research on

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