Monday, October 15, 2007

IRS Abuse Reports

These IRS Abuse Reports are Sent Daily
to all
U.S. Congressmen


IRS Abuse Report #150

Date: Sat, 15 Feb 1997
From: JW

Recently, I was told the following by an IRS employee,
and I quote:

'We at the I.R.S. are doing the job we were commissioned
by Congress to do. We are people, like you and your
neighbors, and we don't deserve abuse and attacks from
the citizens we serve.'

Thanks to your web site, I looked him square in the eye
and said:

‘You moron, blaming your employer for making you steal
people's money and harass them is the biggest cop-out I
have ever seen. YOU are responsible for your own
actions. If it weren't for robotic nitwits like you to
carry out unjust laws, we would live in a free society.
It is not just Congress to blame. Any honest person
would find employment elsewhere where he could PRODUCE
profit instead of coercing profit away from those that
do. There is no escaping the fact that YOU are to blame
for assisting in the carrying-out of any injustice your
employer/government asks of you.

Fully-integrated honesty makes it dreadfully clear. I
think it's time you use it and become a valuable,
productive, and conscious MAN. Earn an honest living
instead of destroying what others have worked so hard
for. Blaming what you do on your employer absolves you
of no guilt at all. The admonitory finger of Reason
still points right at you, mister. You absolutely
deserve to be ‘treated shabbily for doing [your] job,’
for by doing it you show yourself to be nothing but a
shabby excuse for a man.

Thanks to Neo-Tech your days are numbered.’

IRS Abuse Report #151

Date: Wed Feb 19 14:48:20 1997
From: GP

My husband and I recently (October 1996) settled with
the IRS by an Offer-In-Compromise. This ended a 7-year
battle where the IRS lost files for over 2 years, lied,
never had any accountability, ruined our credit, seized
our bank account WITHOUT prior notification, levied my
husband's income WITHOUT prior notification, and so on.

To be able to pay for the amount as defined by the IRS
as to what they would accept for an Offer In Compromise
(which really didn't compromise anything on the IRS's
part), we had to refinance our home. We closed on
10/8/96 and a check for $23,116 was sent via Federal
Express for delivery on 10/9/96.

Today (2/19/97) I find that there are still liens filed
against my home. I contacted the IRS and was advised
that the Collections division that handles Offers still
show in their computer system that our debt is OWED!!!

THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!! We paid our debt and the IRS is
still inflicting their pain on me and my husband. Our
credit is still being flagged for debts that we don't
even owe.

I either want the $23,116 that we paid out PLUS interest
OR I want to see the IRS done away with.

IRS Abuse Report #152

Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997
From: AA

I too am on the payment plan with the IRS. I am also
permanently disabled with a congenital cardiac condition
that I recently had surgery for. I waited too long for
the surgery so there was permanent damage to my heart
muscle. I am 49. I do not receive public assistance, I
was fortunate enough to have private disability
insurance coverage. I have worked since I was 14 and
never received any public assistance. A large part of my
insurance payments each month goes to the IRS on a
payment plan to pay back taxes they say I owe. I cannot
afford a tax attorney so I keep paying but with
penalties and interest the principle doesn't go down. I
have been threatened with bank account seizure, which
doesn't amount to much but my credit is still good and I
want to protect it. I don't have property for them to
seize except a car that my wife needs for work. So I
will keep paying, probably for the rest of my life. I
thought the amendment against slavery passed. I suppose
the IRS overseers haven't read the constitution.

IRS Abuse Report #153

Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997
From: RF

Dear Sir: On February 12 1997, I had the unfortunate
opportunity of the IRS to enter my place of business and
proceed with the closure of same. I was sent a certified
letter on Jan 09,1997 stating that I had thirty days to
respond and I did on Jan 20, 1997 with a registered
letter. The next communication that I had with the IRS
was on February 12. When they entered my business and
proceeded to close such business. They had the locks
changed, put out bids on merchandise that had cost at
wholesale $1919.00 for $638.00. Made the community think
that I had done something Illegal and almost destroyed
my creditability as a business. What really angers me is
their ability to enter a business and do whatever they
like whenever they like. My business is a florist and
bridal, needless to say that the week they entered my
business was the week of Valentines, a florist’s busiest
week of the year. By entering my shop, the IRS, cost me
approximately $8000.00 of business. Is there nothing we
as business people and taxpayers can do other than go
along with the GESTAPO of THE UNITED STATES??? Is there
not a new law that was passed in '96 that prevents the
IRS from Malicious Collection?

IRS Abuse Report #154

Date: Tue Mar 4 18:39:38 1997
From: AA

My 73 year old mother (who lives alone on a low fixed
income). She was audited by the IRS last year for her
1993 tax return, which had been prepared by a tax
accountant. She had never been audited before and has
never done anything out of the ordinary or dishonest on
her tax returns. According to the tax accountant in
1993, she owed the IRS about $800, which she scraped
together and paid on time with her return. The IRS wrote
back and said her return was in error. THEY actually
owed HER $1300, they sent her check back and included a
check to her for the $1300! She happily put the check in
her bank account and counted it a blessing.

Now, after last years audit, the IRS told her they had
made a mistake on her 1993 tax return, and that she
actually owed them $3000 plus the $1300 they had paid
her WITH INTEREST!!!, and they wanted the full amount
IMMEDIATELY, or large penalties would begin to accrue.
She had no say in the matter whatsoever. After
consulting with a known good tax accountant, she had to
take the money out of her retirement savings to pay off
the IRS, and the whole incident cost her a great deal of
stress and grief, not to mention the money. Do the
heartless thugs at the IRS have nothing better to do
than harass an elderly woman out of her retirement
savings, because they and/or an accountant screwed up?
These thieves should be put behind bars where they
belong, not running the most corrupt and feared
government institution in our country. Abolish the IRS!

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