Saturday, October 13, 2007


An Oregon Citizen’s Pocket Guide to

What are TOPOFF 4 and VIGILANT SHIELD 08?: They are combined military and civil exercises
scheduled for mid-October that are the largest ever terrorism preparedness drills yet conducted.
When and where are these exercises?: They will take place October 15th to 19th, 2007 with incidents
primarily occurring in Guam, Oregon and Arizona.

What is being simulated?: These exercises simulate the detonation of three radiological dispersal
devices. The simulations and the aftermath are designed to test the full range of responses and communications
among and between the local, state, and federal participants.

Who will participate?: The exercises will involve 15,000 people and 270 agencies including the White House,
Departments of Homeland Security and Defense, the FBI, the National Guard, hospitals, emergency workers, and
citizen volunteers.

Why Should We be Concerned?:

It is vital that citizens become aware of two dangerous fact patterns

1) the use of “false flag” attacks to justify desired military action and
2) the use of exercises to mask or facilitate such “false flag” events.
Please review the history of this phenomenon at
See below for some startling facts you should know.
What action can we take?:

We can demand transparency and citizen oversight. We can prepare and be
aware, and report any suspicious events. We can carry a camera and emergency supplies. If a detonation occurs, we
can demand a thorough investigation and real accountability. We must reject immediate, reflexive

scapegoating and war rhetoric. If you take part in these exercises, or know someone who will, alert them to
this information. The solution to fraud, sabotage or treason, sponsored or carried out by government agents, is to
impeach, indict, and try them and then to imprison any who are found guilty or responsible.
We must all take a personal stand and fight to restore and enforce our Constitution.


In 9/2000, right wing think
tank, Project for a New
American Century,
promotes massive US
defense build up to
dominate a “unipolar world”
and secure resources. Notes
that Americans won’t go
along “absent some
catastrophic and catalyzing
event -- like a new Pearl

On 5/8/2001, Bush appoints
V.P. Cheney to head up all
planning and training (i.e.,
drills) against homeland
WMD attacks.

On 9/11/01 a “live fly
hijacking” drill and a “plane
into building” drill are both
underway. The 9/11
Commission ignores this.

On 9/11/2001, a jumbo airliner slams
into each one of the Twin Towers, which
smolder for half an hour then pulverize
into dust after massive explosions. The
Towers fall at free fall speed in the
manner of controlled demolitions.

On 9/11/2001, a third WTC Tower,
Building 7, which was not hit by any
plane, crumbles into its footprint at 5:20
pm. This building suffered only minor
debris damage and isolated fires.

Bush declares 9/11 attacks a
“new Pearl Harbor” and begins
to implement plans to invade
Afghanistan and then Iraq.
On 9/11/2001 four hijacked
airplanes blatantly violate
US air space protocol for
almost two hours without a
single fighter response.

On 7/7/2005 in London, a
security firm, “Visor
Consultants,” conducts a
mock bombing drill
involving three subway
trains and one wayward bus
at exactly the same times
and locations as the actual
bombings on that day.

In 4/2007, Harvard Study “The Day
After” concludes that response to a
nuclear catastrophe should be
federally controlled and that the
federal control should be triggered
automatically by law.

In 2007, Cheney, Chertoff,
Santorum and other GOP
leaders warn about
increased likelihood of
nuclear terrorism this year
claiming it will reverse GOP
decline and unify

On 5/9/2007, Bush signs NSPD 51 and
HSPD 20, two directives giving the
President full control over federal and
state responses to a “catastrophic
emergency” (as determined by the
Tip indicates Portland’s
Steel Bridge, located a short
distance upstream from
bridge 5.1, is the location for
simulated dirty bomb

”Day After” report depicts nuclear plume
emanating from Burlington RR Bridge
5.1 south of St. John’s. The map is only
identifiable by street names. The only
other maps in the report depict Wash.

During 10/15 to 10/19 2007,
Oregon, Arizona and Guam
will host the largest ever
terrorism drills, TOPOFF 4
The exercises will simulate
nuclear “dirty bomb”
detonations and provide a
scenario to practice the
implementation of martial law.

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