Saturday, October 13, 2007

Attack On Iran Slated For October 15th, Prepare For Disaster

Attack On Iran Slated For October 15th, Prepare For Disaster

Category: News & Opinion (General) Topic: Government
Synopsis: The shit may or may not hit the fan. But hopefully if it happens, Israel get hit HARD!!!!
Published: September 30, 2007 Author: William Cormier
For Education and Discussion Only. Not for Commercial Use.

Attack On Iran Slated For October 15th, Prepare For Disaster
September 30th, 2007

You would think that a prediction of a full-scale attack on Iran orchestrated by Israel and The United States with an exact date would be on every News Channel in the country, but so far I haven¡¯t seen even an honorable mention in regard this story; Why? It¡¯s evidently no secret in Europe, and although it was published by The New York Sun - there still hasn¡¯t been any meaningful reporting of this allegation. Now that France, the nation of my ancestry, has joined-in with Bush and Cheney¡¯s war-like rhetoric against Iran, a French weekly known for their investigative reporting published this startling story just two days ago:

Attack on Iran Said To Be Imminent

Yesterday¡¯s edition of Le Canard Enchaîné, a French weekly known for its investigative journalism, reported details of an alleged Israeli-American plan to attack Iran¡¯s nuclear facilities. The frontpage headline read: ¡°A report sent to the Elysée — Putin tells Tehran: They¡¯re going to bomb you!¡±

The Saudi foreign minister, Prince Saud al-Faisal, also expressed concerns to reporters in New York that an attack on Iran might be imminent.

Like most stories in the French paper, the article was based on unnamed sources who said that in order to reduce casualties, the attack against Iran is planned for October 15, the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Israel would bomb the first targets while America would orchestrate a second wave of strikes, the report said. MUCH MORE

As you read this story, you have to wonder why the US Mainstream News Media hasn¡¯t attempted to verify - or in the alternative, debunk this prediction made by Le Canard Enchaîné. The article clearly states that Russia¡¯s Putin has warned Iran that they will be attacked and as further evidence that this story may be true, even the Saudi foreign minister, Prince Saud al-Faisal also stated his concern that an attack on Iran is imminent! To me, when Le Canard Enchaîné quotes two internationally known political figures that have no reason to lie - we have to question whether or not this prediction is valid!

Do I believe the attack will occur on the 15th of October? No! Now that the story has been publicized, only a fool would attack a nation on a date that has already been revealed in the French Press - but then again, I believe an attack on Iran that will destabilize the entire Middle-East is a foolhardy endeavor in of itself, so whether it will actually happen on October the 15th is anyone¡¯s guess. This article does reveal that an attack on Iran is in fact imminent, and whether it¡¯s on the 15th, or a few days before or later hardly makes much of a difference; the fact of the matter is that it¡¯s going to happen, and it doesn¡¯t appear that America¡¯s overwhelming public opinion against such an attack will make any difference to the Bush administration - which is more evidence that democracy in the United States has been effectively quashed.

President Bush made September ¡°National Preparedness Month,¡± and I believe it was because this attack and a declaration of martial law is imminent as well - and those who are unprepared will suffer the consequences. Justanothercoverup predicted back in 2005 that the Iraq War was a precursor to an attack on Iran in an article entitled: I despise Bush - But he might be a Genius! Don¡¯t let the title of the article mislead you, as it was sarcasm in reference to the ¡°genius¡± statement - but nevertheless, now appears to have been spot-on in the actual analysis of why we attacked Iraq.

Don¡¯t get caught off-guard! If you are unable to afford Disaster Preparedness products from many of the retail sources that are available, make sure that you prepare your family for the worst in the best way that you can. Stock-up on non-perishables, water, and medications for any condition that may be life-threatening if they were suddenly discontinued! Homeland Security (sic) has advised that every family should have at least one emergency radio that is not dependent on electricity; heed that warning, and make sure you have a stock of extra batteries! Unless Bush and Cheney are removed from power, which seems to be highly unlikely, this attack will happen, and I¡¯m staking my reputation on it, as I have in the past.

Above all, attempt to be prepared.

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