Saturday, October 13, 2007

Nuclear Dictatorship: The Portland Plan

This from October 8, 2007 on Captain Eric May’s site, The Lone Star Iconoclast

Nuclear Dictatorship: The Portland Plan

It’s hard to know what’s scarier: the idea of responding to a terrorist attack in Portland or the idea that the government is using a drill as a pretext to seize power, declare martial law and, possibly, attack Iran. –”Different shades of unthinkable” — Editorial, The Oregonian, Oct. 2, 2007

In a little over a week, the largest terror drill in US history will focus on Portland again. TOPOFF, Oct. 15-19, is designed give “Top Officials” a chance to react to a catastrophic scenario — a “dirty nuke” terror attack uncomfortably similar to the Noble Resolve nuke attack of two months ago.
The Bush administration will be running more than one exercise — just as it did on 9/11. Joining TOPOFF will be Vigilant Shield, which intelligence insiders believe will practice the dictatorship directive, NSPD 51. The name “Vigilant Shield” brings to mind “Vigilant Guardian,” the 9/11/2001 Air Force exercise that pulled away fighter aircraft supposed to guard mainland America and sent them off to counter a simulated Russian attack in Alaska. Vigilant Guardian may also have been simulating hijacked aircraft, thereby confusing the few remaining fighter aircraft guarding us. Given that Vigilant Guardian was anything but a vigilant guardian on the day of the last U.S. terror attack, just how reassured should we feel by the feel-good name of Vigilant Shield?
The twin exercises TOPOFF and Vigilant Shield will mobilize as many as 20,000 federal, state, local and tribal officials. The nuclear attack envisioned for Portland is also slated for Guam and Phoenix.

Captain May is a former Army military intelligence and public affairs officer, as well as a former NBC editorial writer. His political and military analyses have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The Houston Chronicle and Military Intelligence Magazine. He is the leader of the Portland Nuclear Inquest, a group of concerned citizens monitoring and discussing the TOPOFF / Vigilant Shield terror exercises.

In addition to the above article, here are some notes I took during a KBOO radio interview with Captain May today:

Controlled media is reporting that TOPOFF4 and VIGILANT SHIELD drill, set to begin October 15 has already begun.

TOPOFF4 is the RDD (dirty nuclear bomb) portion of the drill and VIGILANT SHIELD is the martial law portion of it. This will be the first implementation of the dreadful National Security Presidential Directive 51.

TOPOFF 4 continues the earlier NOBLE RESOLVE exercise that simulated a 10-ton nuclear bomb set off on the Burlington Bridge that spans the Willamette River, which flows through the heart of downtown Portland. Although the Bush regime refuses to release reports about the efficacy of the first three TOPOFF exercises (it can’t afford to, or it will reveal that it’s a top-down martial law exercise), word is that NOBLE RESOLVE was originally intended to go “live,” but was reduced to a simulation to precede TOPOFF 4.

The current TOPOFF 4 “simulation” will detonate on another downtown Portland bridge that spans the Willamette, this time on the Steel Bridge, a double-lift bridge, the second oldest bridge in the country, four miles down from the NOBLE RESOLVE site. Why are Willamette bridges so important?

Let’s note two false-flag plans in history that freakishly resemble each other.

  • The 1933 Reichstag Fire- Hitler set this fire and blamed Jewish extremists. The incident produced Hitler’s Enabling Act and created his gestapo military force. Turned Germany into a fascist war machine.
  • The 9-11 Trade Center Attacks- Bush blamed these on Muslim extremists. The incident produced the Patriot Act, National Security Presidential Directive 51, the Department of Homeland Security, and private security contractors such as Blackwater. Turned America into a fascist war machine.

Other false-flag operations include

Operations Northwoods-sought a premise to attack Cuba to justify a war there, but JFK lost his life, in part because he refused to go along.

Downing Street Memo- Showed how Bush had planned to go to war by dressing up plane and get it shot down if the UN didn’t green-light his demands.

9-11-01 Attacks-A multitude of parallel practice exercises to simulate attacks have been documented.

7-7-05 London Attacks-Proof that vehicle license numbers were the same ones that got hit in the places designated in a drill scenario. The coincidence factor here is too astronomical to be plausible. The actuality is, the drill went live.

So, what may be provoking the current “drills” in Portland, Phoenix, and Guam?

1. Cheney has signaled strong desire for some event to start war with Iran

2. The neo-cons are so corrupt and now so susceptible to prosecution, they must and will move at some point. If the Bush regime doesn’t orchestrate another 911, it knows it’s going to get busted.

Millions of us Portlanders live and work close to the Steel Bridge. It’s surreal to know about this danger, and its severe threat. We know that that one of the missing loose nukes involved in the B-52 incident exposed last month, loaded with cruise missiles carrying nuclear warheads, is in Portland right now.

What does a nuclear detonation mean? It means instantaneous death for thousands and a lingering death for millions.

The the local controlled press is enabling this potential disaster to continue while it focuses on sports and entertainment, lulling people to go back to sleep. The mission of corporate news is to make anyone with rational concerns appear extreme.

It’s useful to note that TOPOFF 3 took place after Hurricane FEMA and included roving bands of Blackwater mercenaries implementing martial law with fierce brutality.

One week after the above-mentioned B-52 loose nukes exposure, we learned that the incident was arranged on orders from White House, and that on Sept. 6, the White House announced plans to consolidate a nuclear weapons stockpile in Georgia. This stockpiling involves transport from Washington State, California, and New Mexico. This checkerboard pattern shows they are shipping nuclear materials for TOPOFF 4 exercises, but we haven’t learned what routes are being taken.

Since the Oklahoma City and New York City disasters, crypto analysis revealed clues of a similar attempt in Texas. As it was there were two oil refinery explosions there, which astronomically boosted oil profits. Currently, there is chatter going around about Oregon City, Oregon. It’s up to you to connect dots here.

How can we defend ourselves against such a massive crime?

The current TOPOFF 4 exercise is producing an exodus of people fleeing Portland, which isn’t a bad idea. But for those who choose to stay, know that the power we now have that includes phone cameras, YouTube and the Internet is tremendous for communications and exchange between ourselves.

Also, The Oregon Truth Alliance has posted an invaluable document: Martial Law: A Civil Defense Mini-Manual. Go there and learn how to defend yourself.

When the current dictatorship was designed, it had no idea about the tsunami of grassroots’ communication. The Internet and other media are now the printing press of the Second American Revolution. We now have another George who struts around like a king. It’s time; it’s way past time, because the risk of mass death is extremely high in Portland, Phoenix, and Guam right now.

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