Saturday, October 13, 2007

Certainty Factors

Certainty Factors

In the mid 1980s, David McAllister, at MIT, developed a metric for `certainty factors' for use in an `expert system' (a type of computer program).

A certainty factor is used to express how accurate, truthful, or reliable you judge a predicate to be. It is your judgement of how good your evidence is. The issue is how to combine various judgements.

Note that a certainty factor is neither a probability nor a truth value.

Consider the expression `George is suffering from hypoxia'.

Based on warnings given to pilots, we would speak of there being `strongly suggestive evidence' that George is suffering from hypoxia when he is flying in an unpressurized airplane at 4,000 meters (13,000 ft) and his judgement, memory, alertness, and coordination are off.

Note, we are not saying "there is an eighty percent chance that George suffers hypoxia"; that is a probability estimate. We are talking about our judgement of certainty. You may be able to generate statements of probability, such as: "80% of US Air Force student pilots will fail to maintain altitude within 100 feet when they fly higher than ... meters without supplementary oxygen, and this will indicate they suffer from hypoxia." But this is a different sort of statement than one involving certainty factors.

What I am doing is in this example of uncertainty is taking what I was taught as a student pilot and creating from that information a mechanism for diagnosing hypoxia. I don't know the probability that a person of my health and age will suffer hypoxia at 4,000 meters but I do know the symptoms, which, however, may be weak, or have other causes.

In McAllister's scheme, a certainty factor is a number from 0.0 to 1.0. A phrase such as `suggestive evidence' is given a number such as 0.6; `strongly suggestive evidence' is given a number such as 0.8. The person making the judgement uses the scale more or less as an ordinal scale. The numbers are used in a metric to permit a computer to make calculations.

McAllister's rules for combining certainty factors are such that you can add new evidence to existing evidence. If the evidence is positive, this increases your certainty, as you would expect. But you never become 100% certain.

Continuing our hypoxia example: George tells us that he feels wonderful. This is `suggestive evidence' that George suffers from hypoxia. (Pilots are warned of this: "if you feel euphoric, consider hypoxia: you may be flying too high without oxygen, or suffering carbon monoxide poisoning from a broken heater." Of course, there are many good reasons to become euphoric when you fly; hypoxia is insidiously dangerous.)

McAllister defined the rule for adding two positive certainty factors like this:

    CFcombine (CFa CFb) = CFa + CFb(1 - Cfa)

I.e., reduce the influence of the second certainty factor by the remaining uncertainty of the first, and add the result to the certainty of the first.

In our example, the altitude and loss of judgment are strongly suggestive evidence, with a certainty factor of 0.8; and euphoria is suggestive evidence, with a certainty factor of 0.6. The combined certainty factor is:

                .92     =  .6 + .8(1 - .6)

(Incidentally, it does not matter which factor you start with first:

       .8 + .6(1 - .8)  =  .6 + .8(1 - .6)  = .92

Both sequences produce the same result.)

McAllister also has rules for adding two negative certainties, and for adding a positive and a negative certainty. A negative certainty is the degree to which you are certain the case is not so.

The rule for adding two negative certainties is simple: Treat the two factors as positive and negate the result

    CFcombine (CFe CFf) = -(CFcombine (-CFe -CFf))

The rule for adding positive and negative certainty factors is more complex:

    CFcombine (CFg CFh) =  (CFg + CFh) / (1 - min{|CFg|, |CFn|})

Thus if your certainty for an instance is 0.88 and your certainty factor against it is 0.90, the result is:

               -.17     = (.88 - -.90) / (1 - min(.88, .90))

= -.02 / .12

I.e. take the difference, and then multiply that value by the reciprocal of the smallest remaining uncertainty.

These three rules provide an interval scale for certainty factors.

You will note that you cannot say that a certainty factor of 0.8 is twice the certainty of 0.4; the rules of this metric only involve those of addition and subtraction that I have shown, no others.

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