Sunday, October 21, 2007

stop using US dollars

Should we working slobs stop using the US dollars. Abandonment of a debased national currency has happened in many (3rd World) countries, and may have to happen here to stop this. why I feel this way.

I cant imagine how hard the rising cost of living must be effecting our elderly on very fixed incomes.

now think of all of the persons that work for walmart and get .25 more than min wage .they
have to pay 600.00 for rent 160.00 elec , they get food stamps of maybe 125.oo and have to put 200.00 with it to just get though the month, gas to get to work and back and to pick up the 2.5 kids comes up to about 80.00 a week car ins 0f 125.00 a month .

as you can see both in that family has to work there is no other way to get around it, and would make you mad is that those who rent know that and move rent up more and more but keep the same stove that is 12 years old ,and they some times put a new coat of paint up now and then every 3 years. you pay a down payment and they work that right away from you, they should call it a gift fund as you will never get all of it back .

Rents have definitely gone up. Food is very expensive. Insurance keeps going up.

I was on the phone today with a friend in Maine.
She says that the state has passed a law that says everybody can have health insurance. Insurance companies can't say no, so how do they compensate? They raise the premiums. She just had a baby and is paying $650 a month in premiums for her and the baby. (Husband is on a separate policy.) Next year her premium goes up to $800 -- she can't afford it!

Anyone who has been to the supermarket lately knows that the cost of food is increasing. Energy costs have risen 2.9 percent over the past year, but food costs have increased 3.7 percent.

I am becoming increasingly frustrated over the fact that the cost of everything is up (gas, electric, water, taxes, groceries, dinning out, day care, insurance, etc etc). However the American people are still being paid the same. The average I am becoming increasingly frustrated over the fact that the cost of everything is up (gas, electric, water, taxes, groceries, dinning out, day care, insurance, etc etc). However the American people are still being paid the same. The average cost of living raise is only 2%, that is not enought to amount to a hill of beans.

As the OP noted, prices on everything (other than wages) are increasing. When prices of most everything go up across the board it is a sign the currency those prices are posted in is becoming worth less -- sometimes on the way to worthless.

If you also note that the dollar is going worthless to other currencies -- / MARKETS / Currencies - Dollar hits fresh 15-year low -- while wages here (as measured in US dollars) stay near the same, it points to one thing. The working slobs of America, who are forced to use and trade in the dollar are taking a pay cut to support the upper-end of America, who profit from the debt and debasing of the currency, because they now trade in Euros, Yen, oil, and metals, while enjoying tax cuts that increase debt and further debase the dollar.

About the only way out for the working slobs is to stop using US dollars. Abandonment of a debased national currency has happened in many (3rd World) countries, and may have to happen here to stop this.

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