Friday, November 2, 2007

I urge you to OPPOSE H.R. 1415.

Gun Owners of America has alerted you on a couple of occasions to a
massive gun control bill that is currently working its way through

H.R. 1415, introduced by New York anti-gun liberal Carolyn McCarthy (D),
authorizes nearly $1 billion to the states to vastly expand upon the
unconstitutional gun laws already on the books.

(McCarthy, whose husband was killed by a lunatic who attacked dozens
of unarmed commuters on a Long Island train, ran for Congress on a
campaign to ban guns.)

McCarthy and Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) first introduced this bill
in 2002 after a tragic shooting at a Long Island Catholic church.
We have come to expect that people like McCarthy and Schumer will
always try to exploit tragedy for political gain.

What is surprising, however, is how close this bill is to becoming
law under congressional leadership that claims to be pro-gun. It
already passed the House once, in October of 2002, but was killed
in the senate when GOA teamed up with former Sen. Bob Smith (R-NH)
to block the bill.

Now it's back. H.R. 1415 passed out of the House Crime Subcommittee
in May, and is slated to come before the full Judiciary Committee
in September.

There are many good pro-gun members on the committee who are being
fed misinformation. They're being told that this is a harmless bill
that will simply make the Brady law work more efficiently.

H.R. 1415 is anything but harmless. The billion dollars will be
used to computerize and make available to the federal government
millions of state records that could include state tax returns,
employment records, library records (we've already seen how these
have been deemed relevant to terrorism investigations), DMV,
hospital, mental health and some misdemeanor records -- all in the
name of making sure you're not prohibited from owning a gun.

In all, this bill allows for an enormous data dump from the states
to the federal government, at the same time laying the
infrastructure for even more gun control in the future.

No wonder this bill has leading anti-gunners in Congress frothing
at the mouth. The sponsor of the bill, as noted, is one of the
most virulent anti-gunners in the entire Congress.

Of the 32 cosponsors, 31 are rated "F" on GOA's scorecard; one is
rated "D." These representatives support the bill because it
enhances their gun control agenda.

Also among the bill's supporters are anti-Second Amendment groups
like the Brady Campaign and Americans for Gun Safety (AGS). In
fact, the McCarthy bill is taken point by point from a 2002 AGS
"report" entitled "How America's Faulty Background Check
Allows Criminals to Get Guns."

H.R. 1415, perhaps the most massive expansion of gun control
since the Brady bill passed in 1993, is not a bill that should be
supported by pro-gun conservatives.

Gun Owners of America is the only national gun group opposing
this bill. If you don't act quickly, your representative will
hear only voices of support for this monstrosity.


1. Please urge your Representative to oppose HR 1415, the McCarthy
gun grab bill.

2. Take the action recommended below and then circulate this
alert to your pro-gun friends and family.

You can visit the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center at to send your Representative a
pre-written e-mail message. (The system will automatically select
one of the two messages below, depending on whether your Rep. is a
member of the Judiciary Committee.) And, you can call your
Representative toll-free at 1-877-762-8762.

----- Pre-written letter for non-committee members -----

Dear Representative:

I am very concerned about an anti-gun bill by Rep. Carolyn McCarthy,
HR 1415. This bill spends nearly $1 billion dollars to further prop
up the unconstitutional Brady Law, but there is no authority for the
Federal government to do this under the Second and Tenth Amendments.

I urge you to OPPOSE H.R. 1415.

I would appreciate hearing whether you plan to oppose this bill. Gun
Owners of America will keep me informed about any votes on this
dangerous measure.


----- Pre-written letter for Judiciary committee members -----

Dear Representative:

I am very concerned about an anti-gun bill by Rep. Carolyn McCarthy,
HR 1415. This bill spends nearly $1 billion dollars to further prop
up the unconstitutional Brady Law, but there is no authority for the
Federal government to do this under the Second and Tenth Amendments.

I urge you to oppose H.R. 1415 when it comes before the Judiciary
Committee after the August recess.

I would appreciate hearing whether you plan to oppose this bill. Gun
Owners of America will keep me informed about any votes on this
dangerous measure.


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