Wednesday, November 7, 2007

HR 1955 The End of Reason


It is an attempt at legislative lobotomy of conscience. It aims to eviscerate ethical sensibilities of an entire culture. Having usurped the power of war and peace, life and death, the Corporatocracy now bludgeons even the thought of speaking for conscience. This is state murder of the mind.

It is just too awesomely obscene for words. It exceeds not only the scope of my vocabulary, but my imagination as well. The minions and hired agents of politicians are free to murder, rape and pillage on government hire using our money, but to imagine alternatives to them and the degraded, psychopathic political "leaders" who design and perpetrate these atrocities is legislated as a thought crime.

This is the legislated, politically promulgated end of man as a thinking, self-directed being. Surely this must be the outer limit of positive law, that is, statutory laws passed by lawmakers. It further entrenches the Power Elite as separate from and above their subjects. It clearly demonstrates the paranoid delusions of the Establishment, pursuant to which it legislates a massive defense mechanism to protect itself from the populace that it subjugates. I use these terms deliberately, because the so-called freedom of the vote has turned out to be a big con game. It is only the freedom to choose one set of thieves over the other. The blue suits or the red suits… all of them manufactured suits of the corporations.

Following in the train of this legislation will doubtless be internal travel documents, neighborhood snoops and spies, rewards granted for turning in politically incorrect thought criminals, mass civilian detention centers – in short, the whole totalitarian control mechanism that we associate with the SS, KGB and other code words of criminal regimes. There will be re-programming/rehabilitation centers to correct errant free thinkers. Take note that the Department of Homeland Security already has more than 750,000 persons on its watch list. For a glimpse of past as prologue, read Solzhenitsyn.

Who will be Thought Police and under what standards? Who will define radical thought, and by what standards? For example, how about the reported millions who believe that 9-11 was an inside job, citing a mass of evidence from eye witnesses, physicists, engineers, and recorded statements such as "We pulled it," essentially a confession by the building’s owner of the planned demolition of Building 7?

Will the writings of John Perkins in Confessions of An Economic Hit Man and The Secret History of The American Empire be thoughtcrimes? Will this very essay be a thoughtcrime?

What about Operation Northwoods, pursuant to which the Joint Chiefs of the United States planned for innocent people to be shot on American streets, for boats carrying passengers to be sunk on the high seas, for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched within the country, and for other depraved acts conceived in the minds of government-hired psychopaths? Previously top-secret documents about this were released on 18 November 1997 and can be researched at Evidently, members of the Establishment will be permitted to engage in thoughtcrime.

Will thinking about cleansing the national soul of our atrocities – of Iraq, Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, the advanced plans underway to nuke Iran, the crimes of Blackwater murderers, the government’s domestic coercion and violence – be thoughtcrimes? Will it be thoughtcrime to conceive of a domestic Truth and Reconciliation Commission pursuant to which high government officials are brought to book for crimes against humanity?

Will it be "radicalization" to think of alternatives to a government of, by, and for the Corporatocracy, which accumulates its vast wealth through the blood money of endless war? What about imagination-consideration of a non-coercive society of free individuals acting in voluntary cooperation, what is commonly referred to as anarchy?

Will it be radical to conceive of preventing the Cheney-Bush cabal from launching WWIII and the incineration of earth through a false flag operation against Iran?

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