Friday, November 9, 2007


at present you have little to fear, but based on the election results it could spell the end of blogging in america and likely in the world as the trend seems to be towards less freedom and more control, its not just internet. it’s going to be everywhere, you will have to be very careful what you say.
you will see very normal people carted off for seemingly insignificant speech infractions, get ready for the new world goverment people. you voted the left in office, live with the results.

what gets me is that Americans fought off a similar bill twice and now this woman has sneaked this in under their noses. It’s in place now, and yes, I believe it is a global trend. Kevin Rudd will surely bring it in in Australia because he never gave a definitive ‘no’ when Christians asked him point blank if he intended on doing that.

Phrase has a cat got your tongue should be changed to has a Democrat got your tongue? Seems like every effort is being used to silence western citizens before June 2009 when the EU elects its first president & the world will be ripe for One World Government. Every western nation immigrants seem to have more rights than citizens and citizens rights are starting to disappear in favor of criminal rights. Corruption is sweeping our world.

This is all part of the run-up to the inevitable civil war in this country between the Right and Left. Oh! And I should note that all these pathetic Leftard attempt to silence the Right will fail and will serve only to rally Patriots to arms. If necessary we’ll communicate by pamplets, courier and coded letters just like we did prior to the outbreak of the American Revolution in 1775. The only thing these Leftard pigs and the their willing allies have accomplished is to add their names to a growing list of traitors who will face termination with extreme prejudice when they force the righteous to defend themselves.

The American Patriots have long memories and long knives and treason against the Republic is never forgiven or forgotten. A little history lesson here: At the end of the American Revolution hundreds of thousands traitors were forced into exile after the seizure of all their property.

This can and will happen again.

Friends, the noose that is HR 1955 is not going to care about anyone’s political or religious leanings, or much of whatever the flavor of division is this week. Make no mistake: *All* of our American necks, both present and future, are in jeopardy. Playing the blame game is moot at this point. The framers of the U.S. Constitution and The Bill of Rights must be rolling in their graves. And yes, this nation may LET itself be duped into a civil war if we collectively CHOOSE to forget that United We Stand. Blind obedience and forced mutism has never been the American way. Nor should it ever be.

Imagine a bill which ensures that you could be taken off to jail for years and years for speaking out, speaking out! against the government. About a week ago, Democrat Jane Harman’s proposed bill HR 1955 was passed.

H.R. 1955 passed the House by a landslide vote of 404-6 on October 23, 2007 (Roll Call Vote 993). The bill has been received by the Senate and was referred to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

Why is it that these bills are so vaguely worded? If you’re like me, you’re suspicious that this is for the purpose of judicial activists to interpret them as they see fit. The wording of this bill hints at the open market and the internet.

According to the measure, “The Internet has aided in facilitating violent radicalization, ideologically based violence, and the homegrown terrorism process in the United States by providing access to broad and constant streams of terrorist-related propaganda to United States citizens.”

The unspoken threat implied by that passage is that the government might have to clamp down on free speech online. “At base,” wrote retired Col. Dan Smith in Counterpunch, “Harman’s proposal seems to be a direct attack on First Amendment rights.”

Is the critical American blogosphere about to become a target just like the European?

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