Thursday, November 1, 2007

H.R. 1955

The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed HR 1955 titled the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007. This bill is one of the most blatant attacks against the Constitution yet and actually defines thought crimes as homegrown terrorism. The Bill passed 404-6.

This Bill criminalizes any act of, or promotion of, anything the Government interprets to be "radical" or "extremist." This may include Animal Rights, Environmentalism, Socialism, Labor Organizing, anything that may upset the status quo, hell anything that may upset a politician. And that's the scary thing here; it's entirely up to State interpretation.

Don't let this Bill pass the senate! Call your Congressperson, tell them you are NOT HAPPY with their vote. Call your Senators, tell them that if they wish to keep their jobs, they had better NOT SUPPORT this bill. Use every means available to you. Phone Calls, Letter Writings, Public Demonstration, Firebombings. Don't Let this Bill Pass. Talk to your friends, CoWorkers, talk to your Parents, your Professors, your Teachers. Talk to EVERYONE.

Educate. Organize. Mobilize. Make It Happen

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