Saturday, November 3, 2007

HR 1955

Yet the author of the abovementioned noxious legislation is a DEMOCRAT - and since it's predicted to pass it means a lot of DEMOCRATS are gonna vote for it too. How'd THAT happen, hmmm ?
Be it the continuing Iraqi war, the 'Patriot' act and its cousins, domestic surveillance, state disinformation campaigns and censorship initiatives ... they didn't pass on GOP votes alone, not by a long shot.
Time to quit with the partisan delusion - that "our guys" are good and "their guys" are bad. Pretty much, they're ALL bad - and have everyones best interests but We The Peoples in mind.
Both the DNC and the GOP must *go*. They're too corrupt, too inward-looking, too power-hungry to be reformed. The 'conservatives' ain't, the 'liberals' ain't and the 'moderates' are generally playing both sides against the middle instead of being bona-fide sensible centrists.
Hell, I'd be happy with *real* conservatives and *real* liberals - their impact on citizens freedoms actually kinda complement each other. Not so with their pod-people clones we've become used to.
The creation of new political parties and the energetic promotion of their candidates is a MUST if we want the "Land of the Free" to MEAN anything in the future. At the moment, public disgust with both parties is at an all-time high ... and the lame-o crop of candidates offered by each certainly isn't improving their images.
If there's been a time in the past 50 years to form viable new parties, this is it. If a 3rd party can gain even a 20% foothold it can at least break the current monopoly, force sensible compromises and eliminated extremism.

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