Thursday, November 15, 2007
Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death
“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”
–Winston Smith from George Orwell’s 1984
If you needed more evidence that most of our “esteemed” members of Congress are members of a criminal class of ruling elites, who regard the likes of us in the poor and working classes with the disdain most people reserve for cockroaches, look no further than H.R. 1955.
93% of the filth “representing” us in the House voted in favor of the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007. Once this vile piece of legislation sails through the Senate and the sociopath on Pennsylvania Ave gleefully slaps his endorsement on it, the mechanisms will be in place for our lords and masters to initiate programs that will make Cointelpro and the murder of Fred Hampton look like child’s play.
According to our “betters” amongst the US plutocracy, we can’t afford the “luxury” of dissent. We are waging war on terrorism, a threat to the continued existence of the American Way of Life, which we know to be non-negotiable. Besides, dissidents simply present an obstacle to the wholesale terrorism we are inflicting on entire nations so that we can bring them “freedom and democracy.” As Bill O’Reilly suggested on Faux News last night, the only “sane thing” to do is to support the troops. And war protestors need to be arrested. So whether we are committing heinous war crimes or not, ignore your conscience, root for the home team, thank a vet and shut the fuck up!
Under the soon-to-be law Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007, state and local police will join forces with the FBI, DHS, ICE, and like fascist entities to eradicate ideologies, plans, Internet “terrorist-related propaganda,” and any other “noxious weeds” which might spring forth to “threaten” the “aesthetics” of the immaculate grounds of our glorious corporatocracy, amply fertilized by the corpses of the millions of victims of our imperial and neoliberal conquests.
Within the Orwellian construct of H.R. 1955, I have not decided whether I am a violent radical or a homegrown terrorist. Perhaps the powers that be will deem that I am both. Were I neither, that would mean that I had sold my soul and taken the last refuge of a scoundrel. What a nightmare that would be!
Yes, America, I am a thought criminal. Consider my confession:
1. While I have deep reservations about the death penalty for a number of reasons, I will gladly suspend those misgivings once the gradually intensifying social unrest reaches critical mass. Little would please me more than to see the likes of Bush, Cheney, Condi, O’Reilly, Perle, Clarence Thomas, Bolton, Negroponte and a host of others who have committed and enabled some of the most grievous crimes in history dangling lifelessly from the end of a rope.
2. I view Zionism as a mental disease. The criminal apparatuses which pass themselves off as governmental structures in DC and Jerusalem do need to be “wiped off the map.” A majority of the constituencies in both the US and Israel view their governments with disgust and contempt. Both ruling bodies are infected with supporters of the Zionist plague and frequently implement policies which serve to inflict abject misery on millions of human beings.
3. While I am not a direct participant, I wish the Animal Liberation Front great success in their endeavors. Under our depraved system of capitalism, the property ALF destroys and the profits they stymie are sacred. Yet the billions of sentient beings they champion are mere objects which we can wantonly subject to maiming, torture and death.
4. I loath the Holocaust industry. Zionists have hijacked and exploited a horrific tragedy, cynically employed it to enact their own ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians, and used it as a justification for the continued existence of the monstrous state of Israel. While it is profoundly tragic that the Nazis tortured and murdered so many Jews, there were also significant numbers of Romas, homosexuals, and socialists who suffered similar fates. Besides, there have been many genocides throughout human history, including the one we have been inflicting upon Iraqis through the Gulf War, Clinton’s heinous economic sanctions, and the present illegal occupation.
5. I long for the collapse of the American Empire. While we can’t predict what will arise to fill the ensuing vacuum, at least it will present an opportunity for us to create a more humane and just sociopolitical order.
6. I believe the world would be a much better place if Wall Street and Madison Avenue ceased to exist. The greed, narcissism, and exploitation spewing forth from the entities and industries they represent are toxins to the human soul.
7. I admire and support demonized people and entities such as Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, and Hamas as true champions of victimized people. Our ruling class portrays them as “threats” and “terrorists” because they have the cajones to stand up to the biggest, meanest, and most powerful bullies in history. Are they perfect? No. Are they admirable? Definitely.
8. I despise the American flag. Since 9/11, it’s nearly ubiquitous presence has helped foster a cancerous form of patriotism and nativism. The “Stars and Stripes” has become a symbol of imperialism, oppression, and state terrorism. And yes, I have burned an American flag.
9. I consider capitalism to be an abomination and a crime against humanity, the rest of the sentient beings on the planet, and the Earth. I am aggressively pursuing its demise through my intellectual efforts, including writing, educating, motivating, and publishing on my brain-child, Thomas Paine’s Corner at
10. I have known, befriended, and helped so-called “illegal” immigrants, and will continue to do so. People flooding the United States from Mexico are doing so because of the abject poverty caused by our neoliberal economic terrorism, NAFTA, and our support of their right wing oligarchs who joyfully implement the Washington Consensus, a recipe for misery for the poor and working class amongst their people. “Illegal immigration” is a forced migration caused by the ever-growing hubris and avarice of our moneyed elite.
Much to the chagrin of those of you who remain enslaved by the intellectual chains of your indoctrination or who are dedicated reactionaries, I have as much right to remain in the United States as you do. And I’m not going anywhere voluntarily. So save your emails offering me passage on a slow boat to Russia. One thing we can probably agree upon though is the sanctity of the Second Amendment. My .38 caliber and 12 gauge are ready. Just in case I need to exercise my right to defend family, hearth and home.
Meanwhile, let’s see if a thought criminal like me, who has committed no felonies, has no history of violence, and has formulated no plans to foment violence or engage in violent acts becomes a target of the Bush Regime’s Orwellian apparatus once they have read my confession.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Bush Cites Military Takeover In Case Of Flu Outbreak
October 4 2005
During this afternoon's White House press conference President Bush confirmed that he would attempt to impose military curfews and quarantines in case of a flu pandemic occurring in the United States.
The comes on the heels of a majority of the nation's governors rejecting the Bush administration's proposal to use active-duty military assets in providing disaster relief. Understanding this in the context of Hurricane Katrina, this means total gun confiscation and enforced evacuation at gunpoint.
Bush stated, "If we had an outbreak somewhere in the United States, do we not then quarantine that part of the country, and how do you then enforce a quarantine? When -- it's one thing to shut down airplanes; it's another thing to prevent people from coming in to get exposed to the avian flu. And who best to be able to effect a quarantine? One option is the use of a military that's able to plan and move."
This is the same justification that Bush used throughout the Hurricane Katrina debacle. The crisis was made worse by intentional federal sabotage of the relief efforts that were being conducted by the local government in New Orleans. FEMA were cutting communication lines and denying food, water and oil shipments to the critically affected areas. This led local Sheriffs to set up armed patrols to keep FEMA out of their county zones.
The elimination of Posse Comitatus via natural disasters which are then intentionally sabotaged by government, is one of the Bush administration's major goals. Bush has openly announced his plan to have the Pentagon usurp power over State's rights.

Posse Comitatus allows for the use of the military for relief efforts only, not for law enforcement. This is why Bush is trying to eliminate the 1878 law, because his ideal of military involvement in crises is one of quarantines, checkpoints, mandatory vaccinations, curfews and evacuations, and not of providing relief or infrastructure protection.
We have been warning for years that natural disasters would be used as a means of placing active duty military on the streets of America. People are not buying into the scam that we need a police state to fight Al-CIAda terrorists so this is the next step. Today it's hurricanes, in five to ten years it will be the threat of asteroids and meteors.
The message is the same, you have no right to protect yourself and we will confiscate your firearms if you even try. The truth is that throughout history government has never been able to adequately protect the people and to forcefully take that mantle only makes matters worse.
Is the threat of a bird flu pandemic a red flag or is it simply a means of creating a false scarcity so that everyone runs out and buys the antidote fearing an imminent outbreak?
We should be wise to remember that the revelation that the Bush cabinet was on Cipro, the anthrax fighting antibiotic, only emerged in the media after the anthrax attack was in process, not before.

Therefore it seems more likely that this is a ruse to line the pockets of the government affiliated pharmaceutical companies.
One thing is clear, if this outbreak did occur then the justification to suspend Constitutional rights will be flaunted to its maximum exposure. Back in April President Bush added pandemic influenza to the list of diseases for which quarantine is authorized.
China's zealous martial law tactics in dealing with SARS, home detention, curfews, mandatory vaccinations, restriction of travel, are the model for what could unfold in the US.
The federal blueprint for the exact same scenario was released and picked up by the Associated Press a year ago.
This will make ID cards and airport security checks look like a tea party.
And when this flu pandemic happens who will we blame? Surely not US scientists playing around with the deadly 1918 Spanish flu virus at "less than the maximum level of containment" according to the New Scientist magazine.
Bush's comments are clearly intended to acclimatize people to accept martial law in times of crisis caused by natural disasters or health pandemics.
With two more major hurricanes predicted to hit in October we should all remain vigilant and speak out against the government hijacking crises in order to implement their jack-booted police state agenda.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The New York Times, the so-called “paper of record”

The New York Times, the so-called “paper of record”, has still not written about H.R. 1955, The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism and Prevention Act of 2007 (the thought crime bill) which I reported on last week.
The bill passed in the House on 23 October 2007, and was sent to the Senate where, sponsored by Maine Republican Senator Susan Collins, it has been referred to Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs where Ms. Collins in the ranking member.
It is interesting that even though H.R.1955 was sent to the Senate more than three weeks ago, on the page at showing Collins-sponsored legislation, this bill is not listed.
Last Sunday, Frank Rich titled his New York Times Op-Ed column, The Coup at Home. Without mentioning H.R. 1955, he laid out the six-year, incremental subversion of the rule of law taken by the Bush administration that is resulting, says Rich, in a “quiet coup.” Some highlights from his piece:
“…our democracy has so steadily been defined down that it now can resemble the supposedly aspiring democracies we’ve propped up in places like Islamabad. Time has taken its toll. We’ve become inured to democracy-lite.”
“More Machiavellian still, Mr. Bush has constantly told the world he’s championing democracy even as he strangles it.”
“Rather than set a democratic example, our president has instead served as a model of unconstitutional behavior, eagerly emulated by his Pakistani acolyte.”
“To believe that this corruption will simply evaporate when the Bush presidency is done is to underestimate the permanent erosion inflicted over the past six years. What was once shocking and unacceptable in America has now been internalized as the new normal.“This is most apparent in the Republican presidential race, where most of the candidates seem to be running for dictator and make no apologies for it. They’re falling all over each other to expand Gitmo, see who can promise the most torture and abridge the largest number of constitutional rights.”
“…only 24 percent of Americans believe their country is on the right track…Americans know the ideals that once set our nation apart from the world have been vandalized, and no matter which party they belong to, they do not see restoration anytime soon.”
Without mentioning Naomi Wolf and her book, The End of America, which I have been re-re-re-reading for the past several weeks, Frank Rich is on the same page although Ms. Wolf’s argument is more urgent and sharply etched. If you haven’t read her book, please do. If that’s too much for you or you want to get started right away, try the following.
Most of the book – ten of the 11 chapters – recounts, with historical and present-day examples, the ten steps Ms. Wolf has identified from her research that are taken by incipient dictators to turn democracies into fascist states. She wrote a short version of the ten steps on her blog at Huffington Post titled Ten Steps to Close Down an Open Society. It is a Must Read.
In addition, Ms. Wolf has made available the Preface and Introduction to her book in two parts at HuffPost: Part 1 here and Part 2 here. These too are required reading for the 76 percent of us who know something is terribly wrong in the United States.
In the final chapter of her book, “Conclusion: The Patriot’s Task”, Ms. Wolf writes:
“So it turns out we really are at war – a long war, a global war, a war for our civilization.“It is a war to save our democracy.
“Each one of us needs to enlist. We have no one to spare.”
Equally pertinent for you and me is the following passage from Chapter 9 which is on freedom of the press:
“At a time such as this, it is up to U.S. citizens who are not part of the formal media world to publish online, research aggressively, check facts assiduously, expose abuses, file Freedom of Information Act requests, publish ‘zines, write op-eds, and take ownership of producing as much of the news and information stream as they can…“Blogging has to lead the way, because this is the access point for citizen journalism. But bloggers must take their impact far more seriously, becoming warriors for truth and accountability: Citizens have to start to produce reliable samizdat. Opinion is important, but opinion alone is totally inadequate when the ground of truth itself is under assault.
“Bloggers must become rigorous and fearless documentarians and reporters – not just to critique the news, but also to generate the news. Citizens in every venue must now apply to their work the accuracy and accountability that news editors have traditionally expected of their writers and researchers.
“The locus of the power of truth must be identified not in major news outlets but in you. You – not “they” – must take responsibility for educating your fellow citizens.”
H.R. 1955 “only” establishes a commission to study violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism and their prevention. It’s that “study” part that chills me; do they mean to find out how dictators, past and present, accomplished the closing of open societies to better apply the tactics to the U.S.? It is a reasonable question.
With no media attention, this frightening bill is so far under the public radar that it could become law and our blogs shut down before we realize what's happened. If we lose the freedom to speak freely, we lose everything else for it is the only way to protest other wrongs.
I telephoned the offices of the Senate bill’s sponsor, Susan Collins, to ask what her rationale is in supporting H.R. 1955. There was no answer, not even a message machine in her Bangor, Maine office.
There was a recording at the senator's Washington, D.C. office stating only that I, as a constituent, should leave a message with my “exact street address” so that Ms. Collins could answer. Given past experience in contacting congressional representatives, I'm not holding my breath.
Meanwhile, please do the above reading. Although it is long, it is crucial for the future of our nation to understand what has been happening to our democracy while the administration and the media has diverted our attention elsewhere. And watch this space. I’ll have more to say each week.
[At The Elder Storytelling Place today, janinsanfran tells how 30 years of fear were finally lifted in Long Story, Good Ending.]
Posted by Ronni Bennett at 06:14 AM | Permalink | Email this post
I copied and pasted your last blog on this subject and sent it to everyone on my Email list. Only one person responded and he sent my Email to a Democrat club in Tucson. That's how it spreads, but it is disheartening that others don't seem to be taking this seriously. The apathy of the electorate is what will do Democracy in. I will try again by copying this post and send it to the same group along with a letter to the Editor. I did read that Frank Rich column. Perhaps an Email to him will produce results nationally and others will pick it up. One can hope.
Posted by: D on Nov 13, 2007 7:53:52 AM
Do you think a letter maybe a few hundred letters "to the editor" would help? I could do that.....the post from D. saddens me since she is correct about the apathy of the electorate. But where I live people are concerned about getting a decent pay check & getting a meal on the table. Perhaps we need a "million citizen" march on Washington. Let me tell you's damned depressing. Dee
Posted by: Dee on Nov 13, 2007 8:06:45 AM
D and Dee:
I'm sending this story around to some people I know at media outlets and next week, I'll have some specific suggestions and plans that we can all be part of.
Posted by: Ronni Bennett on Nov 13, 2007 8:30:52 AM
You are nailing it and the mainstream media is not on the side of the American people. If we never knew it before, or only suspected it, it's obvious now. It is a very scary time
Posted by: Rain on Nov 13, 2007 10:47:15 AM
Rep. Tom Allen, who is challenging Susan Collins in next year's Senate race, voted for H.R. 1955. As of yesterday, I couldn't find a mention of this vote on his website.
A couple of questions come to mind for both Collins and Allen: If you think a vote is right, why hide it? If you think a vote is wrong, why cast it?
In short, what the hell is going on here?
Posted by: Pete on Nov 13, 2007 11:21:56 AM
This information needs to stay front and center.
I am interested to see what your media outlet connections are saying about the bill and the under-reporting factor.
SPP's goal
"Integration" with Mexico and Canada is exactly what North American Union means, but there's a big problem with this goal। "We the people" of the United States were never asked if we want to be "integrated" with Mexico and Canada, two countries of enormously different laws, culture, concept of government's role, economic system, and standard of living.
SPP's process: "The most important feature of the SPP design is that it is neither intended to produce a treaty nor an executive agreement like the NAFTA that would require congressional ratification or the passage of implementing legislation in the United States। The SPP was designed to function within existing administrative authority of the executive branch."
The design of the SPP is innovative, eschewing the more traditional diplomatic and trade negotiation models in favor of talks among civil service professionals and subject matter experts with each government. This design places the negotiation fully within the authority of the executive branch in the United States."Indeed, SPP is very "innovative।" The arrogance of SPP's "design" to give the executive branch full "authority" to "enforce and execute" whatever is decided by a three-nation agreement of "civil service professionals," as though it were "law," is exceeded only by its unconstitutionality.
SPP completely lacks "transparency and accountability।" Hudson freely admits "the exclusion of Congress from the process"; constituents who contact their Congressmen discover that Members know practically nothing about SPP. Hudson states that, under SPP, one of the U.S. challenges is "managing Congress." Is Congress now to be "managed," either by executive-branch "authority" or by "dozens of regulators, rule makers, and officials working with their counterparts" from Mexico and Canada?
the 2005 Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) document called "Building a North American Community" bragged that its recommendations are "explicitly linked" to SPP। The CFR document called for establishing a "common perimeter" around North America by 2010.
The top-tier Republican presidential candidates showed little or no compassion for the three million Americans who have lost their jobs to globalism। It's no wonder that polls now show that Americans believe Democrats are better at dealing with the economy than Republicans.The World Trade Organization has ruled against the United States in 40 out of 47 cases. Why is anybody surprised? Why do we put up with the globalists who put our country into trade agreements and world organizations dominated by foreigners who hate and envy us, and who rule against us every chance they get?
The latest outrage of the World Trade Organization is to rule that we must repeal our law against internet gambling because it violates free trade in "recreational services।" If we do not comply with this ruling, the World Trade Organization will assess billions of dollars in damages against us. There is no appeal from a World Trade Organization ruling, or from the decision of any United Nations tribunal.
SPP a "hostile takeover"
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Canadian Action Party Leader: SPP a "Hostile Takeover"
Hey Gang,This from the Canadian Action Party's website...
CAP/PAC (Canadian Action Party) Leader calls the SPP a "hostile takeover" of the apparatus of democracy posted on 11:45 PM, August 2, 2007
Connie Fogal says the SPP is the "hostile takeover" of the apparatus of democratic government and an end to the "rule of law". There has been a kind of coup d'état over the government operations of Canada, U.S.A. and Mexico.
The first formal step towards the NAU was NAFTA. Dr. Robert Pastor of the Council on Foreign Relations has affirmed that. The Canadian Action Party/Parti action canadienne, a registered federal sovereigntist political party in Canada, began as a party in 1997 precisely because none of the mainstream parties were calling for the clear, outright, unequivocal abrogation of NAFTA, or for control
of our national monetary system.
Even now, our mainstream Canadian political parties and significant citizen groups are still stuck on re-negotiation of NAFTA (they talk of fair trade) which completely misses the point. As such, they remain blinded, and of no use to the citizens who care about our nation and our sovereignty, our independence, our civil liberties, our civil rights, our culture, our freedom.
The second formal step was the integration and subjugation of Canada's military into the US military command under NORAD, NORTHCOM, and the Bi-National Planning Agreement. That is why our Canadian military is in Afghanistan.
The third formal step in the creation of the NAU was the implementation of the respective liberty-stripping anti-terrorist legislations, the Patriot Act in the USA and the Anti-terrorist Act in Canada. This has been the mechanism to implement the police state apparatus necessary to enforce Fortress America.
The fourth formal step is the SPP, Security and Prosperity Partnership Agreement. That agreement is a "hostile takeover" of the Executive branch of government, a coup d'état over the government operations of Canada, U.S.A. and Mexico.
(The three branches of democratic governance are: 1, the legislative arm, i.e., the policy makers, the people we elect; 2, the judicial arm, i.e., judges who interpret and apply the laws created by the policy makers; and 3, the executive arm, i.e., the civil service, the bureaucracy, who implement and run the policy and operations of government.)
The SPP is a treasonous metamorphosis of our federal and provincial government bureaucracies into formal instruments to implement the agenda of the shadow government - the military/industrial/financial complex exemplified by the Canadian Council of Chief Executives who in turn are dominated by the U.S Council on Foreign Relations, and the US military apparatus. The S.P.P. has created the competitiveness council (10 to 16 people from industry and academe unelected by citizens, unaccountable to citizens, unrepresentative of citizens) in each of Canada, U.S.A., and Mexico. They meet with our Prime Minister and the two Presidents.
They actively direct the restructuring of the civil service apparatus and governance of Canada, U.S., and Mexico away from instruments serving the public interest and nationhood, and into tools to serve the power and greed of the industrial, financial, military complex. This Competitiveness Council will be at Montebello directing the three leaders in August, 2007 finalizing the last steps of the NAU.
Since March, 2005, under the direction of three senior cabinet ministers of each country, about 100 working groups of unelected officials from government and industry have been meeting at taxpayer expense deciding on and directing the implementation of the restructuring of the apparatus of governance and the form of rule over the people. Their command goes out down the chain of bureaucracy expending vast amounts of taxpayer dollars implementing the changes in our border crossings, in our airports, on our airplanes, in our skies, on and to our roads and highways, in our personal identification systems, in our health, in our vaccines, over our food supplements, in our pesticide safety levels, in our schools and universities, in the exploitation of our natural resources - our rivers, lakes, oil, gas, in our environment, in the arms industry, in the manufacture and use of depleted uranium, in the exploitation of and experimentation on our indigenous people and our military personnel, in immigration, over our right of Habeus Corpus, in our right of due process, our right to assemble and our freedom of speech, etc., etc.
Government of the people, by the people,for the people has been eliminated while those people we have elected stand idly in the sidelines apparently blissfully oblivious, or deliberately careless of the termination of their policy making role except as a rubber stamp. Those we have elected have abused their responsibility to protect our power, the people's power. They have permitted an undemocratic elite to control them and the operation of government. It is by us, the general citizenry, that Members of Parliament and Members of Legislative Assemblies and city
councillors, and Senators and congressmen are supposed to be ruled in all matters, not by the military/ industrial complex that General Dwight D. Eisenhower warned about on his final address to his nation in 1961. The Prime Minister and Presidents along with their most senior Cabinet members and officials really now do apply a "Divine Right of Kings" mentality to their role. They have metamorphosed into a cancer rotting the life out of our democracies.
For this reason the Canadian Action Party/Parti action canadienne calls for electoral reform not just in how we elect candidates, but why and how the bureaucracy operates. In particular, we call for a curb on the exercise of power in the executive branch of government, and especially in the P.M.s office.This need is of paramount importance because it is the key to why and how three nations (Canada, USA, Mexico) are being dismantled.
Remember, if you believe in democratic accountable representation, there must be a universal franchise. Government of the people, by the people,for the people still is right. It is not government by officials of any organization or interest group whether public or private who are unelected by, unrepresentative, and unaccountable to the general public. We need to reform our government structure so that we can recall and replace any person we elect when they fail to keep their promise or do their duty to us, the citizenry; and we also need to turn our executive arm of government back to being the servant of the citizens.
The Security and Prosperity Partnership Agreement (S.P.P) is deliberately not a formal international treaty such as NAFTA which is set out in a system of rule by international law. As a legal treaty the SPP would never have flown because it would have been exposed to scrutiny.
It remains a work in progress agreement of incredible treacherous magnitude. It has already succeeded in implementing profound changes to three nations integrating the geographical region of North America. We do not even know the full extent of what has been completed or what little is left to be accomplished..
We know that a powerful think tank chaired by former Sen. Sam Nunn and guided by trustees including Richard Armitage, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Harold Brown, William Cohen and Henry Kissinger, is in the final stages of preparing a report to the White House and U.S. Congress on the benefits of integrating the U.S., Mexico and Canada into one political, economic and security bloc.
We know that the final report, published in English, Spanish and French, is scheduled for submission to all three governments by Sept. 30, according to the Center for Strategic & International Studies.
We know that the data collected for the report is based on seven secret roundtable sessions involving between 21 and 45 people and conducted by CSIS. The participants are politicians, business people, labour leaders and academics from all three countries with equal representation.
We know all this because it is described in a CSIS report, "North American Future 2025 Project."
It will be interesting to see who the think tank representatives will be that appear before our Canadian Parliament and how it is presented since so many of our Canadian MP's deny this integration is happening. They need to realize that the vote still works in Canada and if they want to be re-elected, they must repel the submissions for integration. In fact, their duty to us is to refuse to hear such a delegation.
Since when has it become lawful to entertain discussion or debate on any form of treason??
This kind of presentation by such influential players will likely be a formalization of the integration as a done deal.
We, the citizens, must demonstrate to our governments that we demand an end to the integration of North America . And, we must tell them we are not asking for a front row seat at our hanging party. We do not want to be involved or to have them involved in any negotiations or discussions or debate about how our nations are to die. We already know we do not want a North American Union, period!!! They must repel the formal instructions coming to them this fall from the shadow government.
In recognition of our sovereign democratic rights and powers as citizens promulgated by the respective founding fathers of three nations, the Canadian Action Party/Parti action canadienne calls upon all Canadians to join with our neighbours in the USA and Mexico to stand and defend our distinctive nations, NOT TO CALL FOR DEBATE AND DISCUSSION ON INTEGRATION. We must DEMAND SOVEREIGNTY AND INDEPENDENCE We must make a
sound and sight so that uninformed citizens can be alerted. How can we do this?
Right now, focus on being at the 25 km perimeter around Montebello, Quebec on August 20 and 21, 2007. In a separate e mail I will send suggestions about Montebello actions.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Destroying the American dollar could force the crisis that would force the creation of the North American Union
Destroying the American dollar could force the crisis that would force the creation of the North American उनिओं
Just how bad is it? Well, let’s say in a little while the “Great Depression” won’t look all that Great anymore!
Take two minutes to read the following article and you’ll have a fairly decent perspective of the situation. It is dire-you just don’t realize how bad yet (because, TPTB are doing everything possible to keep you from finding out. They’re not through milking society for everything it’s worth yet and, they’re still not quite ready to go underground, while the shit hits the fan on the surface!)
Sunday November 11th, 2007
Dollar Crisis: None dare call it ‘conspiracy’
Crude oil prices hit an all-time high this week, closing above $98 a barrel for the first time in history.
According to the AAA, many drivers in my home state of California are already paying more than $4 a gallon for regular unleaded gas. And in one town south of Big Sur, unleaded gas topped $5 a gallon.
The U.S. dollar is at an all-time low, even when compared against the hapless Canadian loonie. Five years ago, a loonie was worth 60 cents. Today, it’s worth $1.12 and climbing.
Yesterday, WorldNetDaily reported that the Chinese are considering abandoning the U.S. dollar as their national reserve currency. WND quoted Craig Smith’s assessment of the consequences of such a move by Beijing on our economy: “If that were to happen, all bets are off, and we will be in a depression that makes 1929 look like child’s play, or we will experience Weimar Republic inflation as the dollar makes extreme moves toward devaluations.”
On Tuesday, the U.S. national debt topped $9 trillion for the first time in history, according to the U.S. Treasury Department’s daily accounting of the national debt. Nine trillion dollars! The number is so staggeringly high that it exceeds our ability to comprehend it in monetary units.
Million, billion, trillion – in financial terms, for most of us, it means a lot of money, really a lot of money, but that is about as specific a picture as most ordinary people can grasp.
Let’s put all these “illions” into perspective. A million seconds is roughly 12 days, whereas a billion seconds is approximately 32 years.
We understand dollars. And we understand time. So it would take 12 days to pay back a million dollars at a dollar a second. But if you started right now, you’d pay back a BILLION dollars, at a dollar a second, in the year 2039.
A trillion seconds is roughly 32 thousand years. At a dollar a second, you’d pay back a TRILLION dollars in the year 34007.
The U.S. debt stands at $9 trillion. If my calculator is working, then at a dollar a second, the U.S. could be debt- free in the year 290007.
The point of that little exercise was two-fold. The first was to clarify the sheer volume of the debt; the second was to demonstrate the possibility that anybody in government really believes we can ever pay it off.
Each U.S. citizen’s share of the national debt works out, according to the National Debt clock, to $29,947.50. That means the average American family of five owes, collectively, $149,737.50.
It also means that unless the average American family of five has a net worth of at least $149,737,50 in assets excluding liabilities (they don’t), America is already bankrupt.
Over the past few years, there has been growing public concern about the emerging “Security and Prosperity Partnership” plan that some say is really a “deceptive roadmap” to a coming North American Union and a new, unified currency tentatively called the “amero.”
The feds steadfastly deny such a plan exists, even as it opens the borders to Mexican truck traffic, widens the I-35 corridor from Mexico to Canada and, counterintuitively, refuses to tighten the borders with either Mexico or Canada, despite both logic and widespread public demand.
All of these things have brought me to believe that powerful forces outside of our government – like the shadowy international Money Trust members of the “Bilderberg Group” – made a decision to force the formation of the North American Union along with the amero. There decisions have been instituted in the past via the Trilateral Commission, which is the dba for the nefarious Conference on Foreign Relations. Destroying the American dollar could force the crisis that would force the creation of the North American Union. To quote the title of a book of the 1960s era, “None Dare Call It Conspiracy.”
Ordinary Americans may not fully grasp just how dire the true economic picture is, but you can bet our leaders do. Yet from the White House to the Federal Reserve, nobody seems particularly eager to address the issue, preferring instead to talk about the “budget,” as if the budget WERE the debt, rather than merely a measure of our ability to keep up with our payments on the debt.
It is almost as if they already have a Plan B in reserve, ready and waiting to be triumphantly introduced – just in the nick of time.
I wonder what it might be?
H.R. 1955 is an absolute attack on the freedom of speech
You see, I value the ability to speak as much as the ability to read nonsense from those such as the writers and curators over at Should H.R. 1955 become law, no longer will I be able to read articles like "Trotsky or Deutscher? On the New Revisionism and Its Theoretical Source" from James P. Cannon, Fourth International, Winter 1954. The logical gymnastics of such articles will be gone from the web. A very sad day indeed.
I do not fear the idiocy of Cannon and his fellow travelers. But I do fear the agenda of those who proudly strut the halls of DC, American flag pin displayed loudly on lapel or blouse.
These folks aren't simply debating historical and epistemological positions, they are conspiring to subvert the remaining vestiges of Liberty and Property. They are not some group of fanatic windbags. No, they are modern day Brownshirts fighting over whose match ignites the Reichstag -- the Constitution.
The freedom of speech is about to be turned on its head. Fight H.R. 1955 as if it's your life. For without Liberty, your life is no longer yours anyway.
By the People of the United States of America
The (Updated) Declaration of Independence

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these States; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present illegitimate King George and his neocon advisors, with the complicity of Congress is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.
To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
• The Government has refused the most wholesome and necessary laws for the public good by decimating the public sector for the war sector, thus depriving children and the poor of healthcare and food for the benefit of corporate profiteering and empire.
• The Government has called together legislative, business and intelligence bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of usurping the right of the people to rightfully know of policies being implemented in their name, fatiguing them into compliance with their measures.
• The Government has ignored serious inquiry into the events of 9/11, and has supported a whitewash 9/11 commission, which has enormous consequences for the world as 9/11 is used as pretext for the "war on terror"
• The Government has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others not amenable to the neocon agenda to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, crippled by inertia and fear, have become nothing more than a insignificant body going through the motions of government; the People remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.
• The Government with its corporate sponsors has taken over much of the media and forced propaganda on the people in order to promote an evil Neocon ideology and criminal war
• The Government's legislative branch has sanctioned an illegal war on Iraq and Afghanistan by abrogating their constitutional duty to be the sole government body to decide on whether or not the government should go to war and have forfeited this power to the Executive branch.
• The Government has refuses to stop financing the war in Iraq even though it is against the direct wishes of the majority of the people and is causing untold suffering and death
• The Government by Deceit and Acts of War has incurred an enormous national debt that will be used as an excuse to sell off the people's assets to transnational corporations and banks, as well as keep the people in perpetual slavery
• The Government has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by allowing partisan political appointments to the courts in order to carry out the unitary executive doctrine.
• The Government, representing corporate interests, has made Judges dependent on their Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.
• The Government has not seriously contested the last two stolen elections which effectively made the notion of our country as a "democracy" null and void and the voice of the people insignificant
• The Government has passed countless un-Constitutional laws, including the "U.S. Patriot Act," "the Military Commission's Act," "The John Warner Defense Appropriations Act", and the more recent H.R. 1955, otherwise known as the "Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007"
• The Government is actively sanctioning torture and rendition practices, both crimes against domestic and international law.
• The Government has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.
• The Government has taken no action to censor the president when he calls the Constitution "just a goddamned piece of paper!” Every federal official - including the President - who takes an oath of office swears "to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
• The Government has kept among us, standing private Armies like Blackwater and Dyncorp who are above the law without the consent of the people.
• The Government has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.
• The Government has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation
• The Government has protecting them by mock Trials and Commissions, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:
• For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:
• For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury by calling a citizen an enemy combatant and effectively getting rid of Habeas Corpus
• For spying on citizens without a warrant
• For not upholding their oaths of office by defending the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC
• For transporting prisoners beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offenses and tortured by U.S. client states
• For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments
• For allowed unfettered War Profiteering based on a war that should never have happened
• For abdicated their responsibility by declaring us out of their Protection and waging War against us.
• For plundering our seas, ravaging our Coasts, burning our towns, and destroying the lives of our people, specifically in New Orleans, and California
• The Government is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign and domestic Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.
• The Government has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Private Military Contractors, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.
In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Government whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.
Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our American brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our laws and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.
We, therefore, the People of the United States of America, in General, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of the World, solemnly publish and declare, That these States are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to a Fascist Corporate Cabal who have illegally taken over this Government and Pretends to do the will of the people, and that all political connection between them and the People, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy Change, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

By Greg Evensen
November 10, 2007
Is it possible to define the moment when the government began targeting real Lexington and Concord model patriotic Americans as recipients of government smear campaigns, investigations, and outright threats?
History shows that the great federalist Alexander Hamilton was one of the nation’s first advocates for a strong central bank. In fact, Hamilton submitted the bill in 1790 that would become the Bank of the United States. It was an exact replica of the Bank of England. Jefferson argued heavily against it stating that “A private central bank issuing the public currency is a greater menace to the liberties of the people than a standing army.” He also warned against letting the nation be saddled with great debt. On the other hand, Hamilton believed that a nation could not succeed long without the influence of the rich on the state’s credit. He believed that debt was a good thing—“a national blessing” if not excessive. Rule by the few was an issue right from the start.
Some would argue that it began with the battles Andrew Jackson fought in 1832, against the national efforts to establish a banking monopoly through the chartering of the Second Bank of the united states. Nicholas Biddle as head of this bank held great power over the political landscape. He caused a banking panic and economic depression in his vicious attempt to blackmail the president and congress into accepting this forerunner of the central bank we suffer under today.
Others would argue that it began getting a head of steam when southern leaders began to threaten secession in earnest during the 1850’s. I hate to tell you, but it wasn’t really about slavery—the north held just as many salves and most of the slave markets as well. It WAS about tariffs and the money that was leaving the agrarian south and not returning to improve roads, bridges, and infrastructure of all kinds. There were other needs the southern states had as well, but they were being financially strangled by the northern industrial states under Lincoln’s boot. It was also about the united states move away from the founding ideals and toward a bureaucratic, paternalistic ever growing central government. The pre-war south remained true to the country of Benjamin Franklin’s time—a constitutional republic.
Still others would point to the brutal westward American expansion, with a rail empire that brought industry which held no regard for the culture of the Indian tribes. The elitists saw only the phenomenal resources of that vast frontier. Industrialists have rarely seen real people with families and traditions, they only see working units to be exploited, herded, controlled, excluded from government, and silenced when awakened to their crimes.
I believe it was a “gathering storm” of issues including the never-ending exploitation and misery brought on by Mayer Amschel (Bauer) Rothschild’s European banking model। These schemers invested in a grand cycle of war and business monopolies (by use of fractional-reserve banking) that supported and prospered greatly from the profits of war after war after war. Rothschild forecast precisely what effect his money cartel would have on the United States. He said, “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” What arrogance! What disdain for a republic’s efforts to govern itself free from the corruption of the money changers! Biographer Frederic Morton stated, “The Rothschild family had, “conquered the world more thoroughly …than all the Caesars before or all the Hitlers after them.” (Creature from Jekyll Island, pg.218) Extreme secrecy has been the hall mark of these banksters since the beginning. That is why there has never been a public audit of the Federal Reserve in all of its history. That must be the rule; otherwise clear-thinking and honest people would burn them out.

It was the confluence of great personal fortunes of men like JP Morgan, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, George Westinghouse, Pierre DuPont, the British diamond magnate Cecil Rhodes, (Rhode’s Scholars fame), August Belmont, American investment czar for the Rothschild’s, and Jacob Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb & Comp. Schiff was a principal investor of the Russian Bolshevik revolution, a major Woodrow Wilson campaign contributor and backer of the Federal Reserve Act. Is it getting clearer, now? Edward Mandell House, the hidden “Phillip Dru” of Wilson’s White House, was instrumental in working toward world government (in his fictional book and real life) and the Federal Reserve Act as well. The fledgling Council on Foreign Relations (founded in New York in 1921 as an offshoot of the Cecil Rhodes secret society bent on world financial domination) began with backing from nearly all of these players. It has grown to over 3,000 “elites” whose sole reason for existence is to direct the domestic policy, the foreign policy, the economic policy, the banking policies, the media’s role in all of these efforts, the integration of the united states into world governance, and the removal of united states sovereignty from its citizens. They are a lethal group (many of whom serve in cabinet positions or are now running for president from both parties) whose mission has been highly successful and virtually unnoticed by most hard working Americans.
There was a great American conspiracy to rule our nation that centered hundreds of millions of dollars in late 19th and early 20th century financial markets on one empire building goal. It was the control of these markets, the use of their power and the resulting force of this influence to build an American financial kingdom with these treasonous conspirators in complete power. That goal has never changed. As a result, the ideals of personal freedom, self-reliance, private property, very small and limited government, and congressional “common sense” law-making standards have all been sacrificed to insure a continuation of tyranny. It is achieved through the courts, government, business, and a banking stranglehold over the American public.
With the artificial panic of the early 1890’s, the final push was underway to complete a central bank that would have final and unequivocal power over all things governmental, political, financial and industrial। The so-called “Creature from Jekyll Island” (a landmark piece of documentation by G. Edward Griffin c. 1994, American Opinion Publishing) was the result. In 1913, the greatest financial coup in the history of this nation was codified by a treasonous Congress. The Federal Reserve Banking Act was passed and signed into law by Woodrow Wilson. It was followed in the same year by the 16th amendment that “established” the income tax. The Federal Reserve Act created a banking monopoly, (carefully avoided by President Jackson) allowed a PRIVATE bank to take the place of our Department of the Treasury with the issuance of Federal Reserve Bank Notes (a fiat currency with no gold or silver backing). This private bank with individual owners/shareholders is a “central” bank modeled exactly after the Rothschild banks of Europe.

This is the first test in whether or not you are a patriot or a conspirator. If you understand and detest the banking establishment and its purposes, then you are a patriot to be scorned, belittled, ignored politically, and silenced when possible by the government, its agents, and the “establishment.”
The second test comes when you question publicly and write or speak against the influence of film, radio, newspaper or television syndicates, and their hostile, maligned, monopolistic, and dangerous lack of truth in bringing “news” to the American people. This includes the so-called “independently conservative cable outlets” that merely slants the reporting more convincingly to a hungry public hoping for REAL truth in the news. The united states of America does not have a free press or a responsible one. There is a trickle of news that is both truthful and accurate that escapes from the internet for now, but it is simply not capable of competing with a dumbed-down citizenry too impatient and in gross denial about virtually everything that deals with the true state of the nation. If you are a purveyor of the truth and willing to accept the withering blows from the big media conglomerates as well as the government, then you are a patriot in the cross hairs once again.
When you take on the public schools in America, you are up against the three hundred pound bully on the block. The schools that insist upon contraception dispensers, rejection of ideas (creationism) not on the ACLU’s approved list, hatred for real US history, prohibition of common sense and family values, insistence on all things provocative and academically questionable, then you are dealing with a monster in every sense of the word.
To hold a communistic administration (in most districts) and untrained, agenda driven school boards to the task of real education is an exercise in absolute futility। You will be called a “fundamentalist whacko,” or marginalized by a hostile community activist group that favors the illegitimate role education has been granted by the federal government. This has been done and is encouraged by state departments of education to complete the circle of injustice being done in the name of “quality teaching management.” This insures that your child is both illiterate and in-line to accept all dictates coming from the state or Washington. To question this and fight its inclusion in your local schools is to be a confirmed patriot.

If you have demonstrated against the well-documented invasion of illegals, fought the good fight opposing the North American Union or Security and Prosperity Partnership linking Canada, the u.s., and Mexico, then you are on your way to membership in a new patriot’s club.
Be assured, that if you question the scandalous loss of life by our military while fulfilling the role of mercenaries for oil, business and ultimately the banks, then you are fulfilling George Washington’s admonition to avoid foreign entanglements। It is NOT about freedom (our buzzword to justify all military interventions), but it is about keeping fuel in the engine of industry.

If Agenda 21, the horrible re-ordering of private property and the elimination of our national use of lands for purposes WE deem important, is an issue you detest and protest against, then guess what, you are definitely an American patriot.
You are a patriot because you believe in truth, honesty, national purpose that reflects real freedom, personal liberty and sovereignty for the individual and the nation. You are independently minded, yet of one mind with those who pursue the same moral, virtuous, above board values that began this great homeland. You have been proud to serve your community and for righteous causes, your nation, during times of justified conflict. You worked for honest people who followed the laws and served you in government. You helped those in need and became volunteer firemen, deputies, food pantry workers and Sunday school teachers. You did this for God, for family and for country. A noble purpose pursued by noble people.
Finally, if you believe that conspiracy extends to JFK, Flight 800, 9/11, and far too many other events, then you have found yourself in the middle of a virtual firestorm of disdain and vicious treatment by radio, TV and newsprint “professionals” who are in the employment of national co-conspirators. Their only mission is to protect the really guilty people in and out of government who have murdered thousands of your fellow countrymen for greed, and the continuation of a circle of power that will stop at absolutely nothing to insure they win everything and the rest of us lose it all.
Many of you have chosen not to be corrupt, selfish, elitist, traitorous, or a criminal against your city, state and nation. Clearly, others have chosen to be moral failures, or support those who are, and have literally sold out their country. I find no forgiveness for that. I find no excuse for that. I find moral justification to go after these situations and these individuals with everything at my disposal and rid my nation of the last vestige of these scurrilous bastards.
If you fit the description of a patriot, then wear your label proudly. You must get used to the laser imprint on the front of it, for the government has you in their sights. Make no mistake, they will eventually make their move and we will be literally hunted and in the crosshairs for real. They will not and can not ignore us forever. A government that has been sold out from top to bottom has not only lost its moral authority to lead, it has defined those who have held it to account as the enemy. As a result, they must live the lie forever, or try to silence those who speak the truth. Those named above and their political family descendents are THE enemy. Those in government who support them and their agendas are the VERY definition of tyranny. Those who have accused them of high treason ARE American patriots. America has every reason to be very afraid of and unrelenting towards its government and those who have sold us out. America has every reason to be grateful to and take strength from God for giving the wisdom and courage of the ages to men and women who have joined the ranks of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, George Mason, Patrick Henry, John Paul Jones, Andrew Jackson, Robert E Lee, Stonewall Jackson, John Pershing, Douglas MacArthur, George Patton, Joe McCarthy, and thousands more who even today, wear the title of PATRIOT proudly, and know EXACTLY what it means. They also know what it will cost to continue to speak out on behalf of those who cannot or will not stand and fight.
I believe that the next monument in Washington D.C. will not be built to honor these corrupt and evil people. It will instead be built for Patriots of this generation, who against all odds and against all the power a dictatorship can bring to bear gave their all for posterity. I do understand what John Quincy Adams said, when he admonished our young Republic that posterity would never know, how much that (patriotic) struggle cost his generation. …………….Yes sir, I believe I do.
© 2007 Greg Evensen - All Rights Reserved
Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America
Location: United States
Fred Martinez is a widely published Catholic writer and former TV broadcaster who has been a pro-life activist, speaker and Board member/adviser with various organisations for many years.
"Judicial Watch Does Not Find [SPP] Amusing"
Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America
On March 23, 2005, heads of government Vincente Fox, George W. Bush, and Paul Martin launched the North American partnership at a meeting in Waco, Texas, with the expressed goal of “a safer, more prosperous North America.”
Proponents of the partnership claim its purpose is to increase security and prosperity for all three nations through enhanced cooperation. Critics maintain the partnership will sacrifice U.S. sovereignty by establishing a “North American Union,” with open borders and a common currency. Recently, President Bush stated that he found these fears "amusing."
Judicial Watch does not find it amusing and is calling for complete transparency and disclosure in the matter. Follow the links below to read the recently released documents and learn more about the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
We need and encourage everyday Americans just like you to join us!
By walking with a flag in the March for America, you take a tremendously important stand in showing that there are real people behind the demands to halt North American integration, to keep the United States of America a free and sovereign nation. WE NEED YOU!
* Withdrawal from the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) and NAFTA
* An immediate halt of government and corporate efforts to integrate the United States into a North American Union with Canada and Mexico.
* Restoration of the Republic by re-commitment and adherence to the Constitution by which our elected officials are accountable to American citizens.
* The defense of our national borders and enforcement of existing immigration law.
* An end to the sell-out of America to globalist interests that have resulted in our economic enslavement and have eroded our sovereignty.
If you are unable to attend, please help us by spreading word of the march anywhere and everywhere you can. We have made a March for America button available that you may post on your web site which will re-direct those who click on it to
For more information about the North American Union please visit:
* Stop the NAU
* Stop SPP
* August Review
* The Security & Prosperity Partnership
* You Tube Search for “North American Union”
March for America is a national patriotic movement consisting of pro-American organizations and citizens who come together to defend their country in a time where our leaders are seemingly committed to national suicide. To start a March for America effort in your city email
truth is the greatest enemy of the State
secular humanism has become the new religion
While young people’s values are shaped by the media, music, etc., the only thing they are required to do is go to school. And most of them attend public schools, where secular humanism exclusively has been “preached” for decades. How did this come about?
For the last two centuries, there has been in the U.S. a battle between the Biblically-based values of the American Revolution and the secular humanists’ values of the French Revolution, which emphasized Adam Weishaupt’s Illuminati philosophy of “do what thou wilt.” One of the leading proponents of the French Revolution was the Marquis de Lafayette, who brought Madame Francoise d’Arusmont (Fannie) Wright to the U.S. in the early 1800s. Here, she joined with Socialists Robert Dale Owen and Orestes Brownson secretly to take over America. According to Brownson, who later converted to Christianity, they wanted to establish a “national, rational, republican education, free for all at the expense of all, conducted under the guardianship of the State” with the purpose of separating children from what they considered the “negative influence” of parents. In terms of values instruction, they wanted to impart to the students values different from those of their parents, and this would come to be known as secular (not God-centered) humanistic education which emphasizes naturalistic evolution as well as moral relativism and situation ethics via values clarification techniques.
A few years after the plan of Owen, Wright and Brownson was begun, Karl Marx in 1844 authored ECONOMIC AND PHILOSOPHIC MANUSCRIPTS, which stated: “Communism begins from the outset with atheism. . . . Communism, as fully developed naturalism, equals humanism” (see Naturalism chart). The next decade, Auguste Comte in 1851 began to author a series of volumes on his SYSTEM OF POSITIVE POLITY, with a “positivist” philosophy in which man, not God, would decide for himself what’s right or wrong.
During the last half of the 19th century and into the 20th century, this philosophy became dominant among American intellectuals, including educators and jurists. As these individuals in the 20th century gained control of American higher education and the federal courts, the philosophy began to spread, even to public elementary and secondary schools.
In 1930, Charles Francis Potter authored HUMANISM, A NEW RELIGION, in which he boasted: “Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism and every American public school is a school of humanism. What can the theistic Sunday schools meeting for an hour once a week and teaching only a fraction of the children, do to stem the tide of a five-day program of humanistic teaching?”
Three years later, Potter signed the first HUMANIST MANIFESTO (1933) as did John Dewey, the “Father of Progressive Education.” The MANIFESTO’s first affirmation stated: “Religious humanists regard the universe as self-existing and not created.” Secondly, it affirmed that man is a product of naturalistic evolution. Humanist Sir Julian Huxley, UNESCO’s first director-general, would later explain that humanism’s “keynote, the central concept to which all its details are related, is evolution.”
In 1954, former president of the American Humanist Association Lloyd Morain, and his wife Mary (a director of the International Humanist and Ethical Union, which has 4 million members), authored HUMANISM AS THE NEXT STEP, which declared that “Humanism is the most rapidly growing religious movement in America today.” With all of these references to humanism as a “religion,” it was no surprise when the U.S. Supreme Court in Torcaso v. Watkins (June 19, 1961) listed “secular humanism” as a non-theistic religion.
One would think that with the Supreme Court’s “separation of church and state” rulings in the early 1960s banning school prayer and Bible reading, secular humanism would also be banned from public schools. This, though, was not the case. When a case eventually was brought before federal district Judge Brevard Hand, he sided with parents in their desire to ban this “religion” from public schools (see “Judge Bans Humanist Textbooks,” THE WASHINGTON POST, March 5, 1987). However, his decision was reversed at the federal Appeals Court level, which was dominated by a Positivist philosophy. This was despite the fact that even liberal WASHINGTON POST columnist Colman McCarthy in “Textbook Case Look Again” (April 5, 1987) wrote of Judge Hand’s decision about the school texts being challenged, saying “this highly relativistic and individualistic approach constitutes the promotion of a fundamental faith claim opposed to other religious faiths.” So much for “government neutrality” !
As the decade of the 1960s closed, leading educator Ted Sizer wrote in FIVE LECTURES…ON MORAL EDUCATION (1970) that “Christian sermonizing denies individual autonomy….Moral autonomy…is the ‘new morality’ toward which we are to guide ourselves and other people….Clearly the strict adherence to a (moral) ‘code’ is out of date.” Three years later (1973), HUMANIST MANIFESTO II was published and declared: “Ethics is autonomous and situational, needing no theological or ideological sanction.”
Three years after that, THE HUMANIST (January-February 1976) published an article by Sheila Schwartz expressing her thankfulness “the crazies (fundamentalists) don’t do all that much reading. If they did, they’d find out that they have already been defeated.” Then, the very next issue of THE HUMANIST (March-April 1976) contained an article by Paul Blanshard, in which he remarked : “I think the most important factor leading us to a secular society has been the educational factor. Our schools may not teach Johnny to read properly, but the fact that Johnny is in school until he is 16 tends to lead toward the elimination of religious superstition. The average child now acquires a high school education, and this militates against Adam and Eve and all other myths of alleged history.” Textbooks followed this same philosophy, as in the early 1970s, PERSPECTIVES IN UNITED STATES HISTORY informed students that “the God of the Judeo-Christian tradition was a god worshipped by desert folk…clearly man-created.”
The year after Blanshard’s article appeared, THE HUMANIST (January-February 1977) published an article by Sidney Hook, in which he explained that “human beings can be influenced to examine critically their religious beliefs only by indirection, (by which) I mean the development of a critical attitude in all our educational institutions that will aim to make students less credulous to claims that transcend their reflective experience.” And 3 years after that, Morris Storer (director of the American Humanist Association 1975-1980) declared in his book HUMANIST ETHICS (1980) that “a large majority of the educators of American colleges and universities are predominantly humanists, and a majority of the teachers who go out from their studies in colleges to responsibilities in primary and secondary schools are basically humanists, no matter that many maintain a nominal attachment to church or synagogue for good personal, social or practical reasons.”
The point in using all these quotes is to show that humanists’ control of American education and the values our children are taught in public schools is not an accident. If you need any more proof of this, the following quote by H. J. Blackham, a founder of the 4-million-member International Humanist and Ethical Union, should suffice. In THE HUMANIST (September-October 1981), he proclaimed that if schools teach dependence (in a moral sense) on one’s self, “they are more revolutionary than any conspiracy to overthrow the government.” Blackham was absolutely right, and this is exactly what the religion of secular humanism has done. It has become most Americans’ new religion, and that is reflected both in government (e.g., Supreme Court legalizing abortion) and in most Americans’ personal lives.
Humanists have not hidden their agenda, as John Dunphy’s prize-winning essay was published in THE HUMANIST (January-February 1983), and proclaimed that “the battle for humankind’s future must be waged and won in the public school classroom…between the rotting corpse of Christianity…and the new faith of humanism…(and) humanism will emerge triumphant.”
Unfortunately, humanism has “emerged triumphant” in the U.S. today. Not too long ago, the Josephson Institute of Ethics polled more than 20,000 middle and high school students and found that an amazing 47% acknowledged that they had stolen something from a store in the past 12 months. Do public school teachers and secular humanists tell students to steal? No, but they do say the student is an autonomous moral decisionmaker who should make up her or his own mind about what is right or wrong based on the situation. This could lead some students to say, “Most of the time I don’t steal, but that store owner ripped me off on the price of a sweater, so in this situation I didn’t see anything wrong with shoplifting something from him.”
Yes, secular humanism has become the new religion of most Americans today whether or not they realize. You think not? Ask yourself how many Americans cheat on their taxes! Public school textbooks actually have promoted this philosophy, as HEALTH COMMUNICATING SERIES asked first-graders: “Do you think there is ever a time when (cheating) might be right? Tell when it is. Tell why you think it’s right.”
The consequence of abandoning Biblical principles will be our “destruction.” Remember that in Philippians 3, Paul is talking about “the enemies of the cross of Christ,” and verse 19 reads: “Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.”
There is a famous quote about men and women becoming accomplices to the evils they fail to oppose. This is something of a paraphrase of the last part of Romans 1:32, and it applies to Americans and their new religion of secular humanism today. Shortly after the Iraq war began, a poll showed two-thirds of Americans supported torturing prisoners in wartime. Subsequently, the horrors of Abu Ghraib were made public. The American people basically invited this evil, and since God holds nations accountable for their actions and nations cannot be punished after this life, can’t we expect God to punish the U.S. and its people here in this life?
All of the so-called Christians who humanistically rationalize torture based on situation ethics should ask themselves what Jesus would say about this. You say you’re not one of those supporting torture, so you’re all right. Well, do you check to see from where the TV, radio, shirts, jeans, etc., which you buy come, so you’re sure they are not from Communist China, which tortures and kills Christians? If you buy products from China, you are supporting a torturing and murdering dictatorship, and what would Jesus say about that?
If I were a reporter at one of the current presidential debates, I would ask the candidates (and the millions of viewers watching) the following: “If Hitler and the Nazis controlled Germany, Austria, Poland, etc., today, and acknowledged murdering millions of Christians and Jews, would you have a trading relationship with them, supporting their economy and military?” After the gasps of unbelief from the candidates and viewers subsided, I would then ask: “Well, if you wouldn’t trade with Hitler, when are you going to end our trade with Communist China, which we all know has murdered tens of millions of innocent people, including many Christians whose body parts have been harvested to sell to Americans and others for implants?”
Friday, November 9, 2007
Militarization of North America
November 10, 2007
Canadian jurisdiction over its Northern territories was redefined, following an April 2002 military agreement between Ottawa and Washington. This agreement allows for the deployment of US troops anywhere in Canada, as well as the stationing of US warships in Canada’s territorial waters. Following the creation of US Northern Command in April 2002, Washington announced unilaterally that NORTHCOM’s territorial jurisdiction (land, sea, air) extended from the Caribbean basin to the Canadian arctic territories. “The new command was given responsibility for the continental United States, Canada, Mexico, portions of the Caribbean and the contiguous waters in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans up to 500 miles off the North American coastline. NorthCom’s mandate is to “provide a necessary focus for [continental] aerospace, land and sea defenses, and critical support for [the] nation’s civil authorities in times of national need.” (Canada-US Relations - Defense Partnership – July 2003, Canadian American Strategic Review (CASR), NORTHCOM’s stated mandate was to “provide a necessary focus for [continental] aerospace, land and sea defenses, and critical support for [the] nation’s [US] civil authorities in times of national need.” (Canada-US Relations - Defense Partnership – July 2003, Canadian American Strategic Review (CASR), Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld boasted that “the NORTHCOM – with all of North America as its geographic command – ‘is part of the greatest transformation of the Unified Command Plan [UCP] since its inception in 1947.’” (Ibid) Canada and US Northern Command In December 2002, following the refusal of (former) Prime Minister Jean Chrétien to join US Northern Command (NORTHCOM), an interim bi-national military authority entitled the Binational Planning Group (BPG) was established. Canadian membership in NORTHCOM would have implied the integration of Canada’s military command structures with those of the US. That option had been temporarily deferred by the Chrétien government, through the creation of the Binational Planning Group (BPG). The BPG’s formal mandate in 2002 was to extend the jurisdiction of the US-Canada North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) to cover sea, land and “civil forces”, “to improve current Canada–United States arrangements to defend against primarily maritime threats to the continent and respond to land-based attacks, should they occur.” Although never acknowledged in official documents, the BPG was in fact established to prepare for the merger of NORAD and NORTHCOM, thereby creating de facto conditions for Canada to join US Northern Command. The “Group” described as an “independent” military authority was integrated from the outset in December 2002 into the command structures of NORAD and NORTHCOM, both operating out the same headquarters at the Paterson Air Force base in Colorado. In practice, the “Group” functioned under the jurisdiction of US Northern Command, which is controlled by the US Department of Defense. In December 2004, in the context of President Bush’s visit to Ottawa, it was agreed that the mandate of the BPG would be extended to May 2006. It was understood that this extension was intended to set the stage for Canada’s membership in NORTHCOM. In March 2006, two months before the end of its mandate, the BPG published a task force document on North American security issues: “‘A continental approach’ to defense and security could facilitate binational maritime domain awareness and a combined response to potential threats, ‘which transcends Canadian and U.S. borders, domains, defense and security departments and agencies,’ (quoted in Homeland Defense watch, 20 July 2006) The BPG task force report called for the establishment of a “maritime mission” for NORAD including a maritime warning system. The report acted as a blueprint for the renegotiation of NORAD, which was implemented immediately following the release of the report. On April 28, 2006, an agreement negotiated behind closed doors was signed between the US and Canada. The renewed NORAD agreement was signed in Ottawa by the US ambassador and the Canadian Minister of Defense Gordon O’Connor, without prior debate in the Canadian Parliament. The House of Commons was allowed to rubberstamp a fait accompli, an agreement which had already been signed by the two governments. “‘A continental approach to defense and security could facilitate binational maritime domain awareness and a combined response to potential threats, “which transcends Canadian and U.S. borders, domains, defense and security departments and agencies,’ the report says.” (Homeland Defense Watch, May 8, 2006) While NORAD still exists in name, its organizational structure coincides with that of NORTHCOM. Following the April 28, 2006 agreement, in practical terms, NORAD has been merged into USNORTHCOM. NORTHCOM Commander Gen. Gene Renuart, USAF happens to be Commander of NORAD, Maj. Gen. Paul J. Sullivan who is NORTHCOM Chief of Staff, is Chief of Staff of NORAD. With a exception of a token Canadian General, who occupies the position of Deputy Commander of NORAD, the leadership of NORAD coincides with that of NORTHCOM. (See photo gallery below). These two military authorities are identical in structure, they occupy the same facilities at the Peterson Air Force base in Colorado. There was no official announcement of the renewed NORAD agreement, which hands over control of Canada’s territorial waters to the US, nor was there media coverage of this far-reaching decision. The Deployment of US Troops on Canadian Soil At the outset of US Northern Command in April 2002, Canada accepted the right of the US to deploy US troops on Canadian soil. “U.S. troops could be deployed to Canada and Canadian troops could cross the border into the United States if the continent was attacked by terrorists who do not respect borders, according to an agreement announced by U.S. and Canadian officials.” (Edmunton Sun, 11 September 2002) With the creation of the BPG in December 2002, a binational “Civil Assistance Plan” was established. The latter described the precise “conditions for deploying U.S. troops in Canada, or vice versa, in the aftermath of a terrorist attack or natural disaster.” (quoted in Inside the Army, 5 September 2005). Canadian Sovereignty In August 2006, the US State Department confirmed that a new NORAD Agreement had entered into force, while emphasizing that “the maritime domain awareness component was of ‘indefinite duration,’ albeit subject to periodic review.” (US Federal News, 1 August 2006). In March 2007, the US Senate Armed Services Committee confirmed that the NORAD Agreement had been formally renewed, to include a maritime warning system. In Canada, in contrast, there has been a deafening silence. In Canada, the renewed NORAD agreement went virtually unnoticed. There was no official pronouncement by the Canadian government of Stephen Harper. There was no analysis or commentary of its significance and implications for Canadian territorial sovereignty. The agreement was barely reported by the Canadian media. Operating under a “North American” emblem (i.e. a North American Command), the US military would have jurisdiction over Canadian territory from coast to coast; extending from the St Laurence Valley to the Queen Elizabeth archipelago in the Canadian Arctic. The agreement would allow for the establishment of “North American” military bases on Canadian territory. From an economic standpoint, it would also integrate the Canadian North, with its vast resources in energy and raw materials, with Alaska. Ottawa’s Military Facility in Resolute Bay Ottawa’s July 2007 decision to establish a military facility in Resolute Bay in the Northwest Passage was not intended to reassert “Canadian sovereignty. In fact quite the opposite. It was established in consultation with Washington. A deep-water port at Nanisivik, on the northern tip of Baffin Island is also envisaged. The US administration is firmly behind the Canadian government’s decision. The latter does not “reassert Canadian sovereignty”. Quite the opposite. It is a means to eventually establish US territorial control over Canada’s entire Arctic region including its waterways. This territory would eventually fall under the jurisdiction of US Northern Command (NORTHCOM). The Security and Prosperity Partnership Agreement (SPP) The Security and Prosperity Partnership Agreement (SPP) signed between the US, Canada and Mexico contemplates the formation of a North American Union (NAU), a territorial dominion, extending from the Caribbean to the Canadian arctic territories. The SPP is closely related to the Binational Planning Group initiative. An Independent Task Force sponsored by The Council on Foreign Relations calls for the transformation of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) into a “multiservice Defense Command”. The CFR document entitled “North American Community” drafted on behalf of the SPP endorses the BPG March 2006 recommendations: “As recommended in a report of the Canadian-U.S. Joint Planning Group [BPG], NORAD should evolve into a multiservice Defense Command that would expand the principle of Canadian-U.S. joint command to land and naval as well as air forces engaged in defending the approaches to North America. In addition, Canada and the United States should reinforce other bilateral defense institutions, including the Permanent Joint Board on Defense and Joint Planning Group, and invite Mexico to send observers. (North American Community, Task Force documented sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) together with the Canadian Council of Chief Executives and the Consejo Mexicano de Asuntos Internacionales) The accession of Canada to this Multiservice Defense Command, as recommended by the CFR, has already been established, signed and sealed, approved by the Canadian Parliament in May 2006, in the context of the renewal of the NORAD agreement. In all likelihood, the formal merging of “the renewed NORAD” and US NORTHCOM will be on the agenda at the August Security and Prosperity Partnership Agreement (SPP) Summit meeting of President Bush, Prime Minister Harper and President Calderon at Montebello, Quebec. This decision would lead to the formation of a US-Canada NORTHCOM, with a new name, but with substantially the same NORTHCOM rhetorical mandate of “defending the Northern American Homeland” against terrorist attacks. The military of both the US and Canada would also be called to play an increasing role in civilian law enforcement activities. The real objective underlying the SPP is to militarize civilian institutions and repeal democratic government. “Integration” or the “Annexation” of Canada? Canada is contiguous to “the center of the empire”. Territorial control over Canada is part of the US geopolitical and military agenda. It is worth recalling in this regard, that throughout history, the “conquering nation” has expanded on its immediate borders, acquiring control over contiguous territories. Military integration is intimately related to the ongoing process of integration in the spheres of trade, finance and investment. Needless to say, a large part of the Canadian economy is already in the hands of US corporate interests. In turn, the interests of big business in Canada tend to coincide with those of the US. Canada is already a de facto economic protectorate of the USA. NAFTA has not only opened up new avenues for US corporate expansion, it has laid the groundwork under the existing North American umbrella for the post 9/11 integration of military command structures, public security, intelligence and law enforcement. No doubt, Canada’s entry into US Northern Command will be presented to public opinion as part of Canada-US “cooperation”, as something which is “in the national interest”, which “will create jobs for Canadians”, and “will make Canada more secure”. Ultimately what is at stake is that beneath the rhetoric, Canada will cease to function as a Nation: -Its borders will be controlled by US officials and confidential information on Canadians will be shared with Homeland Security. -US troops and Special Forces will be able to enter Canada as a result of a binational arrangement. -Canadian citizens can be arrested by US officials, acting on behalf of their Canadian counterparts and vice versa. But there is something perhaps even more fundamental in defining and understanding where Canada and Canadians stand as nation. By endorsing a Canada-US “integration” in the spheres of defense, homeland security, police and intelligence, Canada not remains a full fledged member of George W. Bush’s “Coalition of the Willing”, it will directly participate, through integrated military command structures, in the US war agenda in Central Asia and the Middle East, including the massacre of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan, the torture of POWs, the establishment of concentration camps, etc. Canada would no longer have an independent foreign policy. Under an integrated North American Command, a North American national security doctrine would be formulated. Canada would be obliged to embrace Washington’s pre-emptive military doctrine, its bogus “war on terrorism which is used as a pretext for waging war in the Middle East. . The Canadian judicial system would be affected. Moreover, binational integration in the areas of Homeland security, immigration, policing of the US-Canada border, not to mention the anti-terrorist legislation, would imply pari passu acceptance of the US sponsored police State, its racist policies, its “ethnic profiling” directed against Muslims, the arbitrary arrest of anti-war activists.