Monday, March 31, 2008

German Reichstag 1933 and Hitler

Today is the 74th anniversary of the Enabling Act by the German Reichstag which essentially grated Adolf Hitler dictatorial legislative powers.

More than 5 years ago, the United States Congress enacted the Patriot Act.

Since the enactment of the Patriot Act, America has changed so much that the office of the President is more similar to a dictatorship then a co-equal branch of government.

The Reichstag in the early 1930's became subservient to a lone "leader", a "decider." Similarly, the United States Congress in the years since the "War on Terror" began, has become subservient to our decider.

There is no need to say much more. We are slowly giving up our sacred branches of government and instilling the Executive Branch with overwhelming and unaccountable power. The same mistake that many fearful Germans fell for in 1933 can happen in this country in 2007.

No President Bush is no Hitler. But his blatant disregard for the other branches of government is without doubt.

Let's not make the Patriot Act become an Enabling Act.

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