Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Putin won't give up power and NEITHER WILL BUSH!

Mon Oct 01, 2007 at 08:14:39 PM PDT

Did you read that Putin, because he can't run for another term as President, has figured out how he is going to maintain power. He is basically making sure his friend and lacky becomes President, then his friend makes him Prime Minister, then they change the constitution so that the Prime Minister has all the power and the President becomes a figurehead.

Does anyone really think that Bush is going to give up the power of the Presidency when his term is over? Do you THINK that Cheney is ever going to leave that office to someone else? Do you think that Cheney is going to leave a trail behind that someone else will be able to go through? Do you think these people want a new President and Vice President of another party to GO THROUGH the mess they have left over the past eight years?

Somehow they will accomplish stay in office. Just like Putin is doing. They will figure someway to stop the election. Karl Rove is out there now. Lurking through the society plotting some scheme to keep Bush in office. If you remember... Sept 11, 2001 was the day of the Democrat Primary in NYC. They obviously could not hold that election in NYC that day.

Rudy, our Knight in Shining armor, then decided that he was the only one who could lead us. Rudy then proposed we should cancel the election and keep him in office!! He did NOT want to give up power and was using FEAR as a tactic to keep himself in power despite the charter of the city! Thank God that idea was shot down. But he did try.

What if the same thing happens with Bush and Cheney? Do you really think that Bush will go back to Texas to clear brush off his Crawford ranch?

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